Apathy by David McEvoy

Did anyone pick up an Apathy from David McEvoy? The Facebook group is littered with posts about it, and I wanted to know if it lives up to the hype.


I did and it definitely does. Plays WAY above the price. Floaty, stable, SO SMOOTH and very nice response. I have a decent collection including a lot of high end throws so I have some good stuff to compare it to and it holds its own against them all. A very nice yoyo and it looks classy!



I second the support! Best $60 I’ve spent on a boutique level yoyo. I don’t know too much about “floatiness;” but it spins forever, stable on the string and comfortable in the hand.


I received mine yesterday. It is very floaty and stable. If he still has any left, get one. The real hype is that this is a $100+ bi-metal being offered for $60 ($55 + $5 shipping). It is gift to the community by a community member.


Maybe I should consider it as an option for a new bimetal…hm