Diameter - 50mm
Width - 38mm
Weight - AODA - 62g YYF - 60g (currently an estimate, I weighed it at home, and it was less than the AODA I just don’t remember by how much >.>)
Gap - 4.5mm approx
Profile - Butterfly/Wing
Response - silicone O-Ring Response (accepts flowable)
Bearing - Large size C
Now I’m going to be doing this review a little differently since there’s already a few great reviews for the Magic Pearl, this will mainly be to show the similarities and differences between the long time AODA favorite, and the new YYF super budget metal. From first glance these two throws look extremely similar, and when you inspect further, you find they are indeed, essentially, the same throw.
Minor difference #1
The finish on the two is slightly different. The magic pearl has what seems like a semi-bead blast, or even just a tumble+anno, where as the JK has what seems to be extremely small grooves running all around the yoyo. In my humble opinion this finish is slightly better. It’s better for grinds, and feels better in the hand. One word that comes to mind is smooother.
Minor difference #2
As stated in the specs section, the JK I have weighs <2g less than the Pearl. I’ll get exact weights when I have the chance the throw them on my digiscale when I get home. But anyway, this causes the JK to play very slightly faster and floatier, and lacks the slight “too heavy” feeling I get from the Pearl. Now I have no idea where they took the weight off of, since the yoyo’s are exactly the same shape wise. But I have hunch it’s made out of a different aluminum. Maybe YYFBen can confirm or deny this.
Minor Difference #3
The JK came, obviously, without the standard AODA bootleg KK bearing, and instead came with a rather bizarre flat bearing that I can only assume has 8 balls. I can not figure out any way to deshield this thing! As opposed to the normal c-clip+shield set up, there’s this weird…shield thing. The best way I can describe it is it looks like a standard shield that has been folded onto itself. Now the bearing plays fine and EXTREMELY silent, but I fear when the time comes to preform maintenance on it, it might not make it to see another day. If you have an idea on how to get it off please let me know! REF PIC BELOW
Minor difference #4
Color! Pearls, at least all of them that I’ve seen range more towards the aqua and teal spectrum, and the JK is more of a traditional blue. Probably the most minute difference between the two
Throughout this analysis, I’ve used the words “slightly” and “minor” quite a bit. That’s because the differences between these two yoyos are few and far between. If you haven’t read a Dancing Pearl review already, I suggest you do before deciding which one may be for you. Regardless of which one you do decide on know you will be getting a fantastically playing yoyo for a fantastically low price
(AODA = $20 shipped if you can find it | JK = $25 [not 100% confirmed, looking to Ben again])
Both of which have a slight vibe, play nice and fast and somewhat stable. Don’t expect to win worlds just because you picked up a Magic Pearl, which ironically aren’t very magical nor pearls or pearl colored in the least. But you can expect a great pocket yoyo that will get you through your tricks, used by non yoyoers who want to give it a try, and even play guilt free over concrete since it’s so cheap. I suggest a MP/JK to anybody looking for a budget pocket yoyo, but is turned off by something as small as the PopStar like I am