I just want to share some pics of cards I am getting rid of. Some are marked and some are not. Just message me if you are interested. All of these came from ellusionist.com
I also have some rare marked bicycle decks… they look just like the red and blue bicycle decks but marked from the factory. Bicycle had to stop this because of the casinos reactions.
It was my Borderless Red Madison Dealers, I sold them… they were a limited run of borderless dealers. They have plenty of blue and green borderless originally. Now it is my marked bicycle decks. They are actually roughly $100 per deck. I have 3 but one was opened
I love playing spades. Any deck you’d recommend that is of utmost quality for just playing cards that has a great hand feel and withstand the test of time more than others?
Bid whist is best played with people. Playing with a computer removes a lot of the fun. The game changes almost every hand. Bidding correctly is almost more important than your game play. And “getting out of your partners way” is highly important sometimes. Sometimes they need your help and you can usually tell by their bid.
I’ve accumulated a stockpile of Bicycle decks over the years in addition to these three more interesting ones. We used to play a lot of Palace back in the day.