Anyone from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada?

I’m sure this has been posted before I’m just being a lil lazy. Anyway, I’ve made a few phone calls around the city to try and find yoyo’s and apparently the only places are toys r us or walmart. Toys R us carried yomega power brain and fireball and I’m not sure what walmart carries yet I’ll have to check. I’m thinking I may buy a fireball. I really don’t know where to else to look.

Anyone else from around here?

Yah I live in winnipeg. There are other places to buy yoyo’s like taod hall toys in downtown, they carry a lot of tom kuhn yoyo’s. also where in winnipeg do you live? Oh and toys r us sell raiders if you want to get into 2a.

HA HA! I was gonna call toad hall too! but after looking at the website assumed they may not carry anything. I actually live outside the city about 1/2 an hour south.

walmart has duncan mosquito’s

im not sure if all of them have em’

and toys r u’s should

have duncan fh2’s

Buck Choy do you have any yoyo’s from toad hall? Do you like them? I was thinkin’ of getting a mosquito if I can find one,I’ll have to shop around a little bit this week. unless there’s something better at toad hall,…?