Hey all,
I am planning on buying a TRUENO and was wondering if somebody tested it here in the community. I know not to many here are into 4A but I thought I would try my luck. Most curious I would be especially if somebody tried the TRUENO light.
Thanks all
I haven’t played the Trueno Light, but if it helps you decide, I have an Amulette Light that I like a lot. It’s like 10g lighter and you really feel it in play. It doesn’t spin for as long as the POM version, but still spins log enough for all your combos. The lower weight feels especially nice on regens.
I’d say go for the POM version. The Amulette Light is fun and I like it a lot, but at the end of the day it is sacrificing both performance and durability just for the sake of being fun. It’s more of a cute novelty version for fans of the original, not really meant to stand as its own thing. Also it’s just very expensive for a polycarb yoyo.
Thanks @mable,
That helped a lot. I expected some of the points you named. I also live in an area where it is a bit windy sometimes and I suspect the 10g less will not help here either…
Thanks for taking time and giving some feedback appreciate it.
I snagged a red Trueño on the initial batch, so not the light version. It’s the best 4a yoyo I have ever played, but I haven’t played many and am awful at the division lol. But it feels good, has enough weight to stay where you put it, and enough power to spin regardless of my sloppy playing. Very much recommend it.
Thanks @adamantiumpops,
Nice red! Sadly that one is out of stock. I may go with the black or yellow I guess. I pretty sure it is a well thought out product. Bryan is a great 4A player and all Japan tech throws I tried where really good.
Thanks for your time and feedback
How would you conpare Trueno with Aut(os)copy? I am considering on of both since Trueno is cheaper but Aut(os)copy seems fun.
Need an upgrade from Kamui lol
I have no autoscopy but a couple of other YYR 4As. They are really good generally I would say. But as most YYR also pricy. If I get my Trueno I am happy to give you more details.
My current favorite is the iYoYo Unlimited, very good throw and a very friendly price.
I think most modern 4As are a big improvement to a very old school Kamui
LOL, I am really looking forward to your review.
I have not played 4A for like 5 years and will need to review my combo. 4A yoyo I have played/owned so far are: Go Big, ReXtreme, Kamui, Hayabusa and Gaia from C3. Really need an upgrade lmao