Any room for this old member in this community?

Just got back myself…!
Yeah… Spyy… Hspin… jennsen went rogue… Everyone is throwing sideways…?

  1. Why?

I’m curious as to what your collection is. It seems like it would be interesting considering it’ll be from a a couple of years ago.

Since you don’t know me that well, I might fill you in a little. I don’t spend a lot of money on the most popular anything. I root for the underdogs, generally. Many of us did quite a few years ago. Several of my friends only bought Difeyo, YYJ and yoyos from lesser known companies to promote not only fun designs but also yoyos with personality.

I know how a yoyorec plays. They were around when I was in my hayday in the community. They’re great, stable yo-yos… but to me, they lack a certain soul or personality.

I’m actually sort of bummed out that many of my favorite companies have died out due to interest in stability, literally no-vibe throws and the industry has come to a point where they’re now a rarity rather than readily available.

I think that’s why I had my eyes set on the organic benchmark. It seems like a nice classic design and it looks very fun. Wide, H-shaped throws are a snore to me. I’ve thrown many of them and they’re all too very similar.

Glad you asked! I have quite a few rarities that I can’t wait to take to a meet or convention soon and have a few of you guys play.

In no particular order:

  1. Difeyo Juggernaut
  2. SPYY Radian MKII BBB
  3. SPYY Radian MKII Blue
  4. Chopped Pyro v2
  5. Ricerocket DV8 remake
  6. IKYO Agape
  7. Madhouse Unknown (one of 25)
  8. RecRev SCLB Prototype
  9. YYF 2007 Aussie 888 (I’m not Australian, got it in a trade)
  10. Dyed Cream
  11. Duncan Raptor
  12. CLYW Wooly Marmot (Acid wash green)
  13. Black/white dyed Dark Magic
  14. X-con (original X-con)
  15. Refinished and re-anodized YYF Superstar

That’s it for now. I did have quite a few more expensive throws but I sold them to pay the bills way back when. I had a refinished and reanodized Eetsit that was dyed clear and brown splash. I also had a YYN Espionage 401k and a mint 2007 nationals 888, both of which were bought off of me as a set for $500 when I left the community by a collector.

Only thing I held onto when I stop where my spyy’s…

They’re so freaking interesting. They really do throw like nothing else. I wish I had kept my Addiction but the value of it was too much when I owned it. The money was better used elsewhere at the time.

Since you previously had an Eetsit, and you seem to like organic shapes… There are still Bapezilla.2’s available when you feel like shelling out a bit. It’d kinda be like a great-grandkid to your Eetsit, haha.

Plus, since you mentioned you like throws with some character, you’d have plenty in the Bapezilla.2. When you get one new, it chews strings ferociously. So you have to buff the gap a bit to make it smooth. But once you have that done, it’s awesome, and it has the added sentimental value of all the sweat equity you put into it.

I know a lot of people don’t like the fact that a $150 throw requires some TLC before you can safely play it…which is understandable and probably why there is still stock left so long after release. But that’s what makes it special to me. Just 2¢ from a noob to the community. =]

Try some of the earlier general yo if you like organic throws.

omg he’s back

Don’t worry, my days of “■■■■■■■ ■■■■ up” on the internet are over. Work keeps me too busy to go poking Steve Brown with a stick for kicks like the old days anyway. I’ve found that screwing with people in person is much more hilarious and rewarding.

Damn, OG members makin’ a comeback.

7075 trend.
Bi-metal trend.
CLYW is the ultimate hype king. Still make great stuff.
BST is flooded, secondary market has great deals.

TF2? My man

IV, good to see you back.

I surprised no one has mentioned G squared yet! Some of the best yoyos I personally have thrown!

I was checking out that summit video they did with One Drop. I wanted one, man. Those look cool but I wanted a splash one, all I could find was solid colors. I’m sure they’re in the BST… for more than I’m willing to spend.

Yeah bro!

My first yoyo back is a G2 albatross off the bst… I’ll let you know how it plays when it gets here…
No one seems to care that popdada is back… Stealing my thunder dude…

I missed you popdada. Good to see you back as well.

We all noticed and are pretty happy :slight_smile: I’m sure if you made a thread too you’d get a lot of attention lol While I wouldn’t put myself in the “old” snicker group with you folks, I was just getting started when you guys were around, and some of you gave me some great tips and advice! Btw, you need to try out the Shutter, that throw proves how far performance has come vs price.

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Fixed axle wooden yoyos are attracting a fair amount of interest :wink: