Any other isolated throwers?

Actually today I may have created a new yoyoer!! I play a good bit at work when we’re slow, and our dishwasher is 19 and seemed to be pretty interested in learning. He ended up getting sick for a week, and ordered his first yoyo! He got the sharks honor and has begun learning. So now I have 1 friend to throw with. There are quite a few here in San Antonio Texas from what I understand, but I rarely get to leave my restaurant lol


This is awesome - I have tried to create a couple yoyoers, but unsuccessfully so far lol.


As someone who tries to go to as many contests as possible in as many countries as possible, I can say that yoyoers love inviting new people into their yoyo friend groups. It might be because I make yoyos or something but I genuinely feel that way. A lot of the time, others go with me and we make loads of friends really quickly. Even if you’re just yoyoing in a corner, it’s very likely someone will come and talk to you either to offer help or ask to learn a trick. We all just love yoyoing.

It’s not high school. Yea some people are gonna have better relationships than others but we seriously just love talking about yoyos with people so friends are easy to make at contests.


I’m excited to see how well he sticks with it. He’s already learning binds and stuff and it’s only been a week!


Anyone in dc?


Not that I know, I’ve never been to dc lol

Yes I am isolated as well. I was going to meet in the park and trade tricks with someone on this forum, but it never happened.


Oh for sure. I’ve never seen another human being pick up a yo-yo or even mention it. Rare breed out here in the south west.


I have just met Charlie, Jonathan and another person, John in AP and they were actually REALLY easy to hang around with. I dont think you should ever say that to yourself, because even if you were a “party crasher” they’d still talk to you every now and then.
If you consistently join those meets and contests, you’ll eventually become a part of the “people who know each other” and you’ll improve a whole lot, in terms of yoyoing. So thats Social and Yoyoing development is something that you could possibly enjoy. It all depends on you though, it’s your choice anyway, but just please considerate everything i typed. Hope that helps!
(ps: not trying to offend you in any way- but if you did get offended by any of my words, i am genuinely sorry.)


I saw a kid throwing in the local Costco once.


Any of you embarrassed about yoing?

I guess I don’t know for sure what the general public think when they hear the term yo-yo…but I kinda think they imagine a cheap plastic or wooden toy a kid plays with for a few minutes then bores with.

So I’m shy about telling non-yoyo people that I throw because I feel silly being a 36 year old playing with kid toys.


Yes lmao all my friends think its the most absurd thing


I can sympathise with this. I dont throw in public much, but when i do i have become better at not caring or worrying what peole think about it. Also, never really had any issues with judgmental people; most dont respond and the ones that do are genually stoked with what your doing.


Here’s another adult yoyoer (very beginning to relearn after yo-yoing around 1950). Went to an area meeting and was completely blown away by the “youth level” with outstanding expertise present. Was so uncomfortable being an old guy in such a great group of yoyoers I just sat and watched for a while.


I am in the same situation. I don’t know a single other adult IRL who yo-yos. I got my nephew into it for a time, but he got bored learning the fundamentals and pretty much gave up—a real shame because he’s got great coordination, he just doesn’t have the patience to learn everything necessary to get to more advanced tricks. My daughter isn’t interested at all, though she loves how pretty my yo-yos are, and my son is 1… So I am a lone thrower.

Honestly, yea. I downplay how obsessed I am with it to my friends cause I don’t want them to view me as a total dork who spends a decent amount of time playing with a toy. I also don’t reveal to them that I have like 30 yoyos, most of which cost $60+. Sometimes I avoid yoyo around them entirely. I also don’t yoyo in public yet. Im not sure why I have such a hold-up with letting people know I yoyo, I really need to get over it.


Lol, I hear ya man. I am just slightly older and I know how you feel. I will occasionally, as in like once a year, carry a yo-yo and people see me and I suspect they have no idea that it’s a yo-yo I’m playing with.


I’m pretty much the same.

I don’t really mind people knowing that I yoyo though, I’d just prefer to show them than tell them.

A quick speed combo or some horizontal seems a little cooler than saying “I like to play with yoyos” :joy:


I work with a life coach of sorts (not sure what to really call her tbh) who’s really been helping me get through some tough times…and she’s the only person in the 3d world I’ve told about yoing.
I was apprehensive on telling her about it…but she was very non judgmental. I showed her some tricks…and even though I’m a noob and felt like I was doing a horrible job…she seemed genuinely impressed.

lol no way am I about to fess up to her about how much I’ve spent on this little venture >.<’ or about how truly obsessed I am and how much time I spend on it.


Yea, it’s always me “mentioning” it by taking it out and throwing tricks while having a conversation. Im not nearly as good as you though, lol. My brother told me the other week that I am now better than one of his friend’s that he considers to be good at yoyo, so at least there is that. Since most plebs are impressed when you can rock the baby, doing even my basic warmup combos like kwyjibo/matrix impresses them quite a bit.