Any mini painters?

Anyone here into painting miniatures? (Warhammer 40K/Age of Signar, Warmahordes, etc?)

Bought the Reaper Learn To Paint Kits and an Army Painter range (the 50-box, not the full range) but my perfectionism got the better of me and I put it down for the better part of a year. But for the last month or so, I’ve been listening to tutorials and actually experimenting and having fun with the hobby! Still got a long way to go and a lot of techniques and concepts to learn but I’m super proud of this little guy. Fifth mini painted so far.


Wow that turned out great!

I’ve always wanted to jump into mini painting. I painted a few figures for warhammer many years ago and was really happy with how they turned out considering I didn’t know what I was doing.

Earlier this year I bought Star Wars Imperial Assault along with a bunch of army painter paints and brushes. lol I was having fun with it…painted up some storm troopers, a wookie (not chew-chews) and someone else I’m forgetting lol…but then I got to a mini where I tried to paint some eyes…and OMG it looks HORRID xP Makes her look super derpy. I tried fixing it, but I kept making things worse haha. So I tried to paint over it…and now there’s too much paint on her face and she’s lost all detail. /sigh…I put the figures away and haven’t tried painting any since lol.
I’ll pick it back up eventually. It’s a very fun game!


Hey that is looking pretty good!

This is a hobby of mine also, although I severely lack motivation 99% of the time so rarely get anything done but when I am in the right mood it is incredibly satisfying even though I’m not very good at all.


Thanks, guys!

Hahaha if it makes you feel any better, I’ve heard one is the minipainting YouTubers I follow say that eyes are the bane of every mini painter, no matter what their skill level is. I’ve decided that I’m just either not going to deal with eyes at all or, at best, they’re gonna have pupil-less Batman eyes haha.


I’ve painted minis on and off, mostly for D&D. Nothing near as good as yours. Great job!


These are from the board game Stuffed Fables, some by me and some by the five year old. She is much more efficient than I am.


Oh man, I love this. My wife and I demoed Stuffed Fables at GenCon and really loved the quirky characters and game. Btw love the figure in the middle with the flowing dress.


Still work in progress but I have been trying to get the hang of edge highlighting (instead of taking the easy route out - dry brushing!)


Yoooo! Very nice! Energy coil looks sick. Dark Angels? Or Salamanders? I can never keep the Chapters straight.

Yeah, edge highlighting is a pain but I’m finding that I prefer it to dry brushing. I just feel like I have more control. Also I always seem to have either too much or too little paint on my brush whenever I try.

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Dark Angels :slight_smile: I have an army totalling at least 3000 points. I don’t get to play nearly enough and only a fraction of it is actually painted! Oh well :slight_smile:


I did some painting yesterday for the first time in about 6 months, still work in progress but quite pleased so far…


Yoooo, very nice!