Are any of you guys H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, or Robert E. Howard fans too? Just curious! I just recently found out about Clark Ashton Smith and I’ve only read a few of Robert E. Howard’s stories.
Is anybody out there!
Aw man I think I’m going to make a new thread instead.
Patience, young one.
Lol XD I’ve been commenting to try and bump the thread higher. But I kinda doubt I’m going to find anybody. Most people haven’t even heard of these authors. Have you?
raises hand
Awesome. H. P. Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, or Robert E. Howard?
My friend introduced me to H.P. Lovecraft and I love him. I’ve only read a few of his stories though.
Neat. I’ve introduced a few of my friends to him too. His style isn’t for everybody but I really like it. Probably my favorite of his stories are Shadow Over Innsmouth and At the Mountains of Madness.
I’ve only read the call of Cthulu and the rats in the walls but I enjoyed them. I got the barnes and noble collection thing.
Both of those are great. You mean this collection?
I have that too! It’s a fantastic collection.
You can also take a look here for a perfectly legal free collection.