March 2, 2021, 7:41am
I’m not planning on selling this yoyo, but if anyone has one and knows - if and how it can be, or if it definitely should not be - taken apart, please read my question in the maintenance category:
Hi, I’ve got a Six Shooter from the early nineties made by BMT. I recently got back into yoyo and thought it looked like a good shape for looping tricks. Unfortunately I got a tangle that I can’t undo and even though I have a memory of twisting and unscrewing the two halves apart like a modern yo-yo, I can’t seem to take it apart. There are pictures on this site of the yo-yo taken apart, but also some comments/descriptions of this model as not being able to be taken apart. I don’t want to ruin i…
April 1, 2021, 7:41am
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