Another Price drop- G2, MFD, Sturm Panzer, ILYY, Motion, SPYY, TP, CLYW & More

Selling part of my collection to fund a new PC build since my laptop crapped out on me. Your purchase would go a long way in helping me out. All yo-yos are mint besides SF SStatment (2 small scuffs that don’t break anno) and CLYW Blizzard (one ding that doesn’t affect smoothness. US shipping is free, international is $25. I’ll ship same day as payment. Will provide more photos upon request. Accept PP f&f or g&s(cover fees). Discounts for purchasing multiple!

Picture 1 & 2 - G2
Top Row
G2 - Full SS Prowler(black) - $old
G2 - Full SS Prowler(raw). - $old
SOLD G2 - Loadout - $old
G2 - Loadout - $old

Bottom Row
G2 - AL7 Brass ArbiterX - $old
G2 - Herdsman SS - $old
G2 - Lead Balloon - $old
G2 - Spartan Spin - $old

Pictures 3 & 4 MFD
MFD - 1 of 3 Artist Proof 2Evil (comic book) - $old
MFD - Gelada 2.0 Arlo Edition with can - $220
SOLD MFD - BSP (‘23 Halloween edition Bat Guano Banana Tattoo) $old
SOLD MFD - Prime8 (goblin bile) - $OLD

Pictures 5 & 6 Assorted Bimetals

Top Row - Sturm Panzers
SP - SY-003 Schneider - $75
SP - SY-003-06 Schneider MK-II - $100
SP - SY-010B Leo Sniper Boost - $100
SP - WY-009 NM9 - $150
SP - Night Moves 9 - $80

2nd Row
Motion - Elevated - $old
SOLD Motion - Perpetual - $OLD
Wild - Noradrenaline - $90
LEP - Martian $80
LEP x Sochi - Moonwalk (‘23 Worlds Edition) - $80

3rd Row
Turning Point - Misfit Air - $old
CLYW - Klondike - $old
CLYW - Blizzard - $75
SOLD CLYW - Igloo - $OLD
SF - SStatement (scales edition) - $60

Bottom Row
Mowl - M+ - $80
Yoyofactory - Shutter Evo w Rim Adjust tools - $old
Yoyofactory - Shutter Elite - $old
YjYoyo - Sword Master - $65
SUS - Transmission Cross Ratio - $60


Luftverk - Akura MG - $old
Turning Point - MgSS Prototype - $old
Prohibition - Excess(full SS) - $old
SPYY - Punchline - KEEPING
SOLD SPYY - Punchline Repeater - $OLD

SOLD Gnome (Nickle) - $OLD
SOLD Buddha Gnome - $OLD
ILYY - AbySS - $90
ILYY - Fury - $90
ILYY - Phase - $75

YoyoFreaks - Super Freak - $80
SOLD YoyoFreaks - Your Mom - Sold
TRT Cenote $75
Sold YoyoWorkShop - Capstan ‘22 - $old
SOLD YoyoRecreation - Clash Cube (44Clash) $OLD


Holy Tres Leches.

Someone grab that Akura.

Steal price

Ed’s a good dude. Bought 7 throws off of him thus far and have had no issues.


Dude, OG Capstan is my favorite yoyo of all time! that '22 is tempting me!!

(Tempting me to go into debt, of course)


I’m pretty sure that’s a Motion - Perpetual not the inner ring Perpendicular that I think is supposed to release in March… You got me all excited for a second before I saw the picture.

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Wow your absolutely right…hah I had perpendicular on the mind and accidentally typed it, thanks for the heads up

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Thinning out my collection…. But that nickel gnome is screaming at me…. Cripes this is a tough debate

If you want it I’ll get it dropped at the post office for ya today

Dm sent.

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Pm sent

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I’m shocked nobody is interested this is an amazing yoyo





My wallet is scared of this thread

My wife is scared of this thread

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Haha just tell her the moneys going to a good cause by helping a fellow yoyo brother be able to work again by helping replace my computer


PM sent