Selling part of my collection to fund a new PC build since my laptop crapped out on me. Your purchase would go a long way in helping me out. All yo-yos are mint besides SF SStatment (2 small scuffs that don’t break anno) and CLYW Blizzard (one ding that doesn’t affect smoothness. US shipping is free, international is $25. I’ll ship same day as payment. Will provide more photos upon request. Accept PP f&f or g&s(cover fees). Discounts for purchasing multiple!
Picture 1 & 2 - G2
Top Row
G2 - Full SS Prowler(black) - $old
G2 - Full SS Prowler(raw). - $old
SOLD G2 - Loadout - $old
G2 - Loadout - $old
Bottom Row
G2 - AL7 Brass ArbiterX - $old
G2 - Herdsman SS - $old
G2 - Lead Balloon - $old
G2 - Spartan Spin - $old
Pictures 3 & 4 MFD
MFD - 1 of 3 Artist Proof 2Evil (comic book) - $old
MFD - Gelada 2.0 Arlo Edition with can - $220
SOLD MFD - BSP (‘23 Halloween edition Bat Guano Banana Tattoo) $old
SOLD MFD - Prime8 (goblin bile) - $OLD
Pictures 5 & 6 Assorted Bimetals
Top Row - Sturm Panzers
SP - SY-003 Schneider - $75
SP - SY-003-06 Schneider MK-II - $100
SP - SY-010B Leo Sniper Boost - $100
SP - WY-009 NM9 - $150
SP - Night Moves 9 - $80
2nd Row
Motion - Elevated - $old
SOLD Motion - Perpetual - $OLD
Wild - Noradrenaline - $90
LEP - Martian $80
LEP x Sochi - Moonwalk (‘23 Worlds Edition) - $80
3rd Row
Turning Point - Misfit Air - $old
CLYW - Klondike - $old
CLYW - Blizzard - $75
SOLD CLYW - Igloo - $OLD
SF - SStatement (scales edition) - $60
Bottom Row
Mowl - M+ - $80
Yoyofactory - Shutter Evo w Rim Adjust tools - $old
Yoyofactory - Shutter Elite - $old
YjYoyo - Sword Master - $65
SUS - Transmission Cross Ratio - $60
Luftverk - Akura MG - $old
Turning Point - MgSS Prototype - $old
Prohibition - Excess(full SS) - $old
SPYY - Punchline - KEEPING
SOLD SPYY - Punchline Repeater - $OLD
SOLD Gnome (Nickle) - $OLD
SOLD Buddha Gnome - $OLD
ILYY - AbySS - $90
ILYY - Fury - $90
ILYY - Phase - $75
YoyoFreaks - Super Freak - $80
SOLD YoyoFreaks - Your Mom - Sold
TRT Cenote $75
Sold YoyoWorkShop - Capstan ‘22 - $old
SOLD YoyoRecreation - Clash Cube (44Clash) $OLD