Another Price drop- G2, MFD, Sturm Panzer, ILYY, Motion, SPYY, TP, CLYW & More


I would like to buy the motion elevated if still available

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PM’d, u still interested?

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Yes, I am interested in the Elevated yoyo

I sent you a direct mesaage, i see your new here so if you dont know how to check ur mesaages, at the top right of the page you should see your profile picture (the M thats by your name when you comment) click on that and a drop down page should come up that shows the recent Dirrect Messages and other interaction such as like etc, you should see a message there from me



Oh, and the Turning Point Mgss Proto



Damn, a Yoyofreaks Your Mom came up for sale???
Not happy I missed it :cry:

I have another one

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