Anno and finishing help

So yesterday a goth kid grabed my yoyo while I was throwing, it would be fine except he was wearing like 20 rings. And it took away some of the anno and flattened a tiny bit of the yoyo. Needless to say I was pissed, but that’s that. So I was wondering what I or someone could do to:
1 get the anno off
2 smooth out the small flattened part out
3 and what types of nice grindable finishes/blast are there that I could put on it
4 and who in the community can do an anno job on the yoyo for me?
Any comments, remarks, or other ideas are appreciated.

Okay so the stripping. TO do this you have to take sand paper(Prefferably high grit, like 180 or so) and put the axle in a drill end. Use a ad axle to prevent stripping but it doesn’t always strip the axle, but better safe than sorry. Turn on the electric drill so the yoyo is spinning very fast. Then take the sandpaper and pressit against the yoyo where you want it to be silver. It might burn so move the paper around. Then, after the yoyo is completly stripped, I like to take some very fine, 400 grit sanpaper and go over the whole yoyo one last time for ultimate smoothness. Then you can have it annodized, painted, or polished. Polishing is easily done at home.

Supplies for polishing:

  1. Mothers Mag and aluminum diamond compound polish( or any brand)
  2. stripped yoyo
  3. drill
  4. Rag

Then put a little bit of polish on the rag. Now you are going to turn on drill with the yoyo in it just like before. But push the part of the rag with polish on the yoyo and move side to side so it covers all the area that you stripped. This will look a bit shiny, but also black. Take out the yoyo and rub of the polish. Then repeat that over until all is covered and it is anice mirrorlook that is so shiny it reflects. By the way, you do this one side at a time. And if just the rims are damaged, it is much faster, and easier to just do the rims.

FYI: If you can’t get the axle out, then just hold the drill so it doesn’t spin and while the yoyo is tight in their, untwist it counter-clockwise. Then screw in the other half of the yoyo to do all the steps on it.

Hope I helped!

Actually you don’t want to spin it real fast. Medium speed or less is sufficient. Spin too fast and you will overheat the metal causing oxidation discoloration i.e. black and or blue staining.

Frankly, I’d just leave it alone and play it.