Andy’s 3a Blog

Great progress!


I’m just getting comfortable with the different mounts at this point. Still pretty basic stuff. I feel like this type of stuff is the 3a equivalent to tricks like split the atom, matrix, Buddha’s revenge, etc.

Slowly developing my skills until I can make a combo that I’m really proud of


I’ve known how to do corocoro for a while now but it looked ugly, didn’t have good tempo and I couldn’t do many repetitions. Still doesn’t look perfect but I’ve gotten it pretty consistent.

Will try to learn some variations by the end of the summer

Also, learning this trick and variations probably caused my yoyos more damage than everything else combined :slight_smile:


They were so close they could have kissed :flushed:

That’s the trick :joy:

Doesn’t mean I can’t still be on the edge of my seat lol

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So I finally learned that GT looking thing I always see in freestyles. Not super smooth yet. It’s not really hard but tilt is a problem for me with this trick and I’m still no good at adjusting yet.


Love the different colored strings, helps define the tricks more clearly instead of the trick blending together.


Agreed. I think the different string colors look really cool.

Seems like most people agree with you, ya boi is yet again top trending on Reddit :sunglasses:


He’s the Korean 3a champion


Takeshi is great at 3a and is God of 5a so he could probably make a legitimate 10A combo

Probably not possible anymore but before he honestly could’ve won worlds in 3 styles if he wanted to imo

I don’t follow 3a at all and haven’t seen many videos of people throwing this style…

So I just watched all your clips here and I’m absolutely mesmerized! You’re so amazing!! This was SO fun to watch! Holy heck man!!

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Thanks :pray: but this is nothing, give me a few more months lol

#top5Nats2020 :joy:

I think I posted progress like 5 weeks straight but I missed last week cuz I kinda hit a rut and wasn’t happy with how my stuff was looking. I got some new stuff in the works coming up tho

I’ve been thinking about doing a week or two of just left handed 1a too cuz I’m still not that comfortable with my NDH(since NTH isn’t a thing in 3a lmao)


Sounds completely possible to me.


I actually looked a few times and was like "where the FrIcK is Andy’s 3a blog":crazy_face:


A lot of this seems pretty fast to me. And Hajime is definitely even faster than that. Of course this is top world class level stuff but fast 3a is definitely a thing

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Updated my blueline combo. Main difference is 2 new elements. I have more ideas to incorporate into it but I can’t execute them quite yet.

The next week will probably be focusing on a new kink combo and updating my velvet combo.

I really want to start working on some more big and asymmetrical stuff but I want to learn a few more elements for the basic mounts and tighten my fundamentals first so next few trick circles probably won’t look too unique


New element, new bind! This is a fun one. Should it be called kink hops or kinky hops? :joy:


I love seeing all the progress!

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