
Always been wondering…what is your collection like Andre? Im sure we would all like to see.

Yes, it would be SO awesome to see your wonderful collection. ;D

Agreed. That would be awesome! :slight_smile:

everything in stock plus 100 dark magics

Send him a pm?

Ya that would b awesome!

His apartment has yoyos scattered everywhere. It was lots of fun going through some of them and playing all the oldschool stuff.

do you know for a fact or just saying wat u think

yeah! i want to see andre’s collection!

I really want to see it

I bet it’s a hundred legacies, a hundred dms, a hundred trinities , a few sunsets and a aquorios

Andre let me crash on his floor at MA states

Yes, because people just make up wild fantasies and present them as fact in first person past-tense all the time. [/friendly joking sarcasm [/totally unnecessary disclaimer added only to keep that last comment from being taken offensively]]

On topic, I’d love to see his collection as well.