An Idea I've Been Kicking Around

Then what are you worried about?

I didn’t say there was anything wrong with it. It’s a recipe for someone’s feelings getting hurt if they’re allowed to expect their yoyo back in nearly the same condition it left them. Only sending a yoyo you don’t mind losing will never cause a problem.

I know :blush:

It’s all good. I understand how you feel about it. Completely understandable.

But I dare say that people will send their own yoyos out how they see fit.

And like I said, I hope you feel free to be on the receiving end!

With stuff like this I always just think back to Ed Haponik’s rules for yoyo players. ed [...]: yo-yo #70: "throw today. throw forever."

“40. don’t be careless with other peoples’ yo-yo’s. don’t be overprotective of yours.”

Obviously I don’t expect anybody at all to know of a blog post from over a decade ago, but a lot of this stuff resonated with me when I was just starting out yoyoing. They’re just toys and it’s fun to share the things you think are cool with other people. Yoyos are replaceable, experiences aren’t.


Yeah! And of course, it goes without saying that I would never ask anyone to send out throws they weren’t comfortable with. For example, I’ll send my dinged budget monometal to pretty much anyone on the forum to borrow.

But I don’t think I’d send my Oxy Hyperion around, haha. Its entirely up to you.

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This is what I was replying to. It’s not my feelings. It’s someone else’s. If I wanted to send one of you a yoyo, I’d send you a yoyo that I’d expect for me to be ok with worst case scenario happening. I wouldn’t send you a yoyo just feeling safe that it was a dear yoyo that would be vindicated if anything happened to it. I wouldn’t expect you to handle it with the respect that I do, and I wouldn’t expect to want to blame you if something happened that was out of your control.

I was simply refering to the fact that you should respect other peoples property. Thank you @mable for pointing out Ed’s post of

I’ve got a few that wont leave my house, no, so I’m surely not sending them to anyone. On the flip side I have a few expensive pieces that I might consider letting others try. I just need to know that whovever that someone is, they are going to respect it and not treat it like that dinged up monometal that you carry in your pocket. There should be some “insurance”… maybe assurance is the better word.

Destroyed is a very definitive word.

All of that said… we could consider the word “Insurance”. “Pay to play” where you could have a higher level of sharing going on. That would take a good amount of thought though.

Of course. I respect my own property, but even then bad things happen, so I just don’t think it’s a good idea to send something you couldn’t stand losing. I’d just not send it if that was the case. Your trust is your own. If you wanted to send me an expensive yoyo, I’d say ok. If you wanted to send me an expensive yoyo that you wanted me to promise you nothing bad would happen to, I’d say no.
Destroyed, lost, stolen, whatever you like to consider. Not likely, but possible.