Amplified Return Tops - Official News

The Shout Releases Tomorrow! I hope they sell as good as everyone thinks they well, Crazy.

Itā€™ll be a sellout #Youhearditherefirst

Itā€™s going downā€¦

1 hour and 25 minutes left for it to release in time, EST! ^.^

I got mine, Gamma Radiation; anyone else?

Where? Link?

Nvm, found it! :smiley:

Huh? The Shout released at 9 PM EST. What am I missing?

I think they just did their math wrong maybe?

I got twins. Okay GoCrazy, letā€™s see if they can guess the two colors I bought. :slight_smile:

USA is one of them?

So close. That one almost made the cut. :slight_smile: Maybe next week though.

I bet you bought showtime and desert sunset :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW Crazy the previous psots were a mix up by me. My bad!

Itā€™s all good. That type of thing happens to the best of usā€¦

not to me because Iā€™m the best muwhahahahahahahahazhjZjhz

Well Iā€™m definitely not the best so I make mistakes like that often :smiley:


Nah, Jamboree and Cosmos for me. Maybe a USA next week, weā€™ll see. :slight_smile:

^that new avatar is super slick.

First orders are shipping out today! Super stoked!!!

You know I have to represent for the Factā€™ry. I will keep this look for a few days, maybe keep the signature, but go back to being a miniature TooH.O.T. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m anxious to get my Shouts, just canā€™t wait!