About a years worth of string hopeing to make something cool out of it. Any ideas?
make a ton of wasp nests and “send” them to fellow throwers.
thats cool. wasp nest counterweights. wow. or you could make a giant string ball
Buy a bunch of hooks and make a ton of holsters.
I have a string ball going with all my dead string kinda hard to start but it’s gets huge quickly.
agreed actually
Make a sweater out of yoyo string
Id go for a hammock or string ball
I regret throwing out all that old string now. I still have a pretty decent heap building up right now. I’d say make a scarf out of the string.
Ok guys im looking at makeing a hammock and a feww counterweights. But keep throwing ideas.
Yoyo string cozie, yoyo string backpack
Make a yoyo string out of yoyo string. Or a yoyo bag.
You could undo the yoyo string the use that to make string then You could undo the yoyo string the use that to make string later You could undo the yoyo string the use that to make string. Thus dividing by zero
A beanie?
do this
Do it.
On the YYF Fb page under Pictures they have a pic of a kid who made a scarf out of neon string. gotta say it was dope.
how do you do such things? i need a holster