Alex's video reviews: Unboxing and playing the DunkLX

Enjoy! Constructive criticism is always welcome.


really nice video man, was awesome to see you throw longer/more combos, you’ve got a lot of style and your skillset worked out the yoyos pretty impressively. one thing i would suggest is to work on your lighting when you’re in front of the camera especially for night/dusk shots. there is a ring light sitting behind you unless my eyes deceived me. i also appreciated how you articulated your thoughts and comparisons between the models at the end.

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Great review! I loved the structure. This has inspired me to go round up all of my Shutters.

Butter is still my favorite. :butter: :yo-yo: it just plays at any pace you’d like.

That said, time to pick up an Element!


I would recommend you add TiShutter and EVO.

I don’t want to highjack your thread but maybe we can turn this into a Shutter appreciation. Let’s see your collection?


I really enjoyed watching this !


Thanks. I was actually already using a small ring light for the “talk” shots except for the short 15 second burst in between trick shots.

But maybe you meant during the trick shots?

Or was the lighting not sufficient anyway? Despite the small ring light?

I’d enjoy a Ti shutter. Sadly they’re not exactly easy to find.

Evo will possibly be a 2023 purchase for me.

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Nice video! I’ll speak just about the image\sound sector, the content was right on spot.
The throwing part was really good as far as lighting goes, one thing to improve it would be to have the camera at your head height and a bit closer to you, I’d say the frame could go from your knees to the top of your head, that way the string\yoyo is better visible, but it was really good still.
On the talk side I would have lowered the music volume a bit, don’t be afraid to lower it too much, I have a lot of videos where I was sure that the music volume was ok and people still told me that it wasn’t. It’s a complicated balance, but it’s better to not hear music than having it mixed with your voice.
Anyway, great video, you have a new sub!!


Thank you so much. I’m a huge fan of your videos and you’ve given me some great feedback. I can work with those things.

On to the next one.

Next one just uploaded.



I have the titanic and iceberg Myself. The titanic immediately became my EDC. Then I got a green iceberg to play with a black light. It really glows good under a blacklight. Both just awesome throws, and priced well for how awesome they play.


Awesome video and such a cool concept! I really like getting to see all 3 put head to head.


Thank you. I just kind of feel most reviews are useless without comparisons or at the very least a baseline.

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So I took the time to compare a bunch of undersized throws. Hope it’s of use to someone.


Awesome review. How did you get a yoyofriends roundabout?

From the recent Black Friday mystery boxes.

Yoyofriends mystery box. It arrived last weekend.

Plastics $20 and under that I could get my hands on.


New video is up!

Plastic Fantastic, Plastics over $20.

Included is a giveaway. I talk about the rules at the end…but for you people it’s a simple as this:
Subscribe to my channel and leave a comment on this video and you’re automatically entered.


The Motion company lineup, a closer look.

Great throws all.