Funny you say that @mable I just started up yoga again yesterday.
I’ve been getting more aches and pains especially in my shoulders with longer sessions. Especially when there’s a lot of whips and slacks involved. It’s gotten to the point where I’ll need to take days off from doing 2.5 hooks and such.
Yoga definitely keeps everything limber and protects against damage. Plus it’s relaxing!
I’ve mentioned this before, my my wrists and hands are TERRIBLE, and I often have to stop throwing after 15 minutes or so to “rest” them. My grip is also terrible.
Thankfully these things have gotten better since quitting video games, but they’re still an issue. Carpal Tunnel and Arthritis don’t just go away
I’ve barely done any gaming since finding yoyo, but between video games and almost a decade of electrical work twisting wire every day my thumbs are absolute garbo and my right wrist pops incessantly
I am so happy you wrote this answer, I felt I did something very wrong but apparently is normal.
2 days ago I was hardcore zoning for literally all day (I am in holidays).
I was practicing all those twisted body, wrist and arm positions and the horizontal behind the back stuff.
The day after I had an insane right shoulder pain, I just took the day off yoyoing to recover and put some ice, today the pain is totally gone luckily.
I didnt imagine that you can get this sort of injury yoyoing but is also true that all this position feels highly unnatural at the beginning, I think I will start to take them with more respect, maybe an hour a day it should be enough.
About stretching, my physiotherapist pointed out the importance of it. I have a set of 8 exercises to do daily with a sort of elastic band, plus Wing chun is also helping.
When I had wrist pain (not caused by the yoyo) the stretching exercises helped me to get rid of it, the physiotherapist sort of gave me some “challenges” for nerves improvement, the exercises at the beginning where a couple and for short time and less rep, slowly slowly it increased the strength of the elastic band, the repetition and the type of exercise.
In couple of months I got completely rid of the pain and probably also martial arts are helping to stay “stretched”
I’ve broken both my index and middle finger on my right hand twice. Hurt my lower back twice. Been working trades for 20+ years now, mostly electrical. I did kick boxing for 3 years in my 20’s and have a slight facial tick now. Neck soreness comes and goes. Usually if I sleep right and do a little stretching, avoid heavy lifting alone, a take breaks I’m alright. I take a couple naproxen a week too. I need to be a bit more active, but with a 3yo and a 8 month old, I dont have the energy right now. I used to hot yoga once a week, which was nice too.
Still waiting for you to prove your original sweeping statement. It is not up to me to prove that you are wrong. It is up to you to prove that you are correct by citing research to back it up.
Stretching works for me. Every body is different and has different needs. I do think stretching is a physical skill that requires practice to do effectively. Just like you can hurt yourself weight lifting when you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s easy to overextend or tweak something if you don’t learn it and practice it.
For yo-yoing I haven’t stretched beforehand and never felt I needed to. I go on walks as often as I’m able and those alone, I feel keep me away from most aches and pains. I hurt myself the most yo-yoing when I get locked into trying something and forget to breathe/ move around. Walking lets my body and mind rest while still being active and experiencing some impact. Like, Keith said, everybody is different; I believe you should focus on what works for you and what produces your best yo results. Or what makes you happy.