Ace Yo Mercy 7

Im thinking to buy the Mercy 7 yoyo but I haven’t seen any review’s on it so if anyone has it, can you tell me how it plays, what axel size, it is and what type of aluminum it is?

Don’t have it, but have the mercy 6. It is most definitely 6061 aluminum and SS.

How long have you’ve had it for?

Mercy 7 plays pretty midweight for a bimetal from what i remember. I haven’t picked it up in a while. Prob had a 7-8mm axle. Pretty decent but needs siliconing for fat string

Do you think its worth the price?

For $45, why not. Colossus s seems to be better regarded at a similar price point but it seems to be geared towards heavier play

Most of Aceyo’s throws are V shaped, which really doesn’t offer any advantages other than speed. It sacrifices stability instead. I would recommend the Colossus S Bimetal or something else H shaped

I really like my Mercy 7. V-shaped, does need some tuning when you get it (mine was like that) but once you get it right it’s a nice mid-weight yo-yo. I got mine for $36, but a bi-metal at that price you get what you paid for. I got mine from YotoyImages here on the forums. He might have some left to sell!

I like fast yoyo’s so I guess im going to get it.

If possible can you send me picture’s of the yoyo (like the inside threads, the side ETC)