AC-90: A good bearing cleaning solvent/lubricant?

When searching through a local hardware store I came across this:
Would it be a cleaning solvent or lubricant?
I have my suspicions that it may leave residue like WD40 on the bearing and have not bought/used it yet.

From what it says that it does no. I don’t think an “anti rust film” is a good thing for your bearings. Maybe to protect raw yoyos?

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It would however protect you bearings from rust.

Might be responsive for a while but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. As for WD-40, it DOES NOT leave a residue. WD-40 can be broken in just like any other lube. What makes people think WD-40 should not be used on bearings is because dust is attracted to WD-40, as long as you keep the shields on your bearing, it should be fine and last you a very long time.


Wd-40 still sucks as a lubricant.

Why? Just because it takes a while to break in?