About apathy by empathy keiran signature model

keiran cooper’s new signature yo-yo has been announced.
This is the first time since the cadense ES that he has released a signature model!
From the video, I guess the material is titanium.
And from the trend of his favorite yo-yos (unprld motif,disyoyos anima,physix,southside,tone2022?
), I am referring to the yo-yos he was throwing in his recent videos.

It would be a light and maneuverable yoyo.
My guess is that the diameter will be smaller (54mm~55mm?), the width a little wider (44mm~46mm?), and the weight a little lighter (64g~65g).
I have no idea about the price, but I think it will be around $400.
My English is not very good.

I would like to hear your opinion on this!


I love Keiran’s tricks, this video is so good.

I know Keiran played the SF titanium Cadence a ton, and I’m assuming that’s what led to the Apathy being titanium. The profile of the Apathy looks very different from the Cadence though, but choosing to have a titanium yoyo as a signature model feels like a bold choice.


I had expected a little from the czech national, but it is still a titanium yo-yo.
Is the reason why you chose titanium as the material of choice, or is it because it gives you more freedom in design? (Is it because it is stronger than aluminum?)
Titanium yo-yos are beautiful to look at, but I think the disadvantage is that they are too expensive.
I might choose this for my first titanium yo-yo since I don’t have a titanium yo-yo yet. Or yoyorecreation wonder.
Either way, keiran’s technique is still great!

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Can you offer a little more information about that statement?

Sorry for the odd expression.
When I saw Czech National, I expected his yo-yo to be a titanium yo-yo because it shines like titanium, not like aluminum.
I didn’t want to believe it was made of titanium because titanium yo-yos are very expensive lol.

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Ok, thanks…. But I have one more question.

I guess I missed something?

I remember years ago, when we use to have the DXL Battle Contests, and the Southern California Regionals, Kieran was at most of them and I remember him being from Southern California.

Where does the Czech National ‘come into play’?

Sorry if I’m the only one that is puzzled by what you said…

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Knowing Keiran in real life and see him playing a lot, I think this model make so much sense with all the stuff that he was playing in those months and with his playstyle as well, I seen him loving a lot the Motif and the Anima and this yoyo reminds me of them a bit at least from the shape in the video.
Mad choice to have a titanium as a signature release but being known in the scene for sure he will have not many issues selling them, hope they will do also a aluminium version, it does look really good, Empathy is for sure releasing so many good stuff recently!

The video is sooooo good, loved the tricks and also the little plot


I am not sure if I understand everything you are saying, but the Czech National has an open division and you do not have to be from the Czech Republic to participate. I just don’t know why he participates in so many European competitions.
My guess is that it is because empathy, the brand he belongs to, is a Czech-centric brand.
I also think it is because of the atmosphere of the competitions.
The Czech National has a darker feel to it, which further complements his style of play.
Sorry for my bad English.
I hope it helps.


Thanks for the explanation… Realize, I didn’t say there was anything wrong with ‘your English’.

I just wanted to get a better understanding of ‘what’ you meant?

Your communication skills in English are certainly way better than Any communication efforts I would make in your language, lol.

I know exactly what you meant, now.



I really like that subdued message within the video.

Kieran is walking with the girl and for whatever reason, it seems like he’s trying to get her to not be interested in him

The reason I say, that is because he brings attention to the fact that he plays with yo-yos. You can see the expression on her face like she doesn’t think much of that pastime.

So he throws the yo-yo down and straight up tells her he can’t get it to return

At that point, not only is she losing interest in him as a date, but he seemingly cannot only not do tricks, but can’t even get the yo-yo to return.

When I watched that part of the video, I wasn’t trying to read too much into what was going on. That is, until she turned and walked away from him with the excuse that she had to go… And as soon as she was facing away. He immediately did a real nice bind, and got the yo-yo back to his hand.

Then he turned and walked away On a job well done

That was great, lol


I feel like he chose the material simply for the sound it makes in play. Ti.ng!

I am pretty sure that the reason he is participating in so many European contests is that he lived (probably still lives) in London

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keiran posted an instagram story a few days ago stating the yoyo was not made out of titanium, so i suppose it’s steel!


I assume not steel tho cuz the sound of steel is denser and it’s harder to machine steel, which is not optimal as new brand
The “it’s not titanium” message has no context so it could be a marketing trick to talk about either the other future release throw Eminence or he was talking about the zipper from hoodie of clothing brand he collab with, “Still Genius” or something else

Probably my take and theory on this lol


I saw it too.
I think that was a lie.
I have no idea why he lied.
It looks like it is made of titanium no matter how you look at it.
I hope eminence will release it soon.
Is that inner rim bimetal with fillip david’s signature?


I would not consider this as lying but more like a way to promote both brands at the same time and also to testing water if everyone still love Apathy if it’s not made of titanium

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Lol. Hell of a deduction


Lmao just my theory, we still have to wait for the final result.
Best case it’s not titanium (monometal) but it could be a TiSS


worst case
in this way

Screenshot 2024-01-03 17.18.03
He likes titanium

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