A Year of Fixed Axle - "Fixed Axle '15"

If you check most of the videos on my Instagram, those last few seconds generally look like that. I call it the “I’m glad I landed this before my girlfriend gave up on filming me” look. The grind though was more of, “I hit this on the first video” type look. They are kind of like Zoolander’s poses though…they kinda look the same.

Oh god, a Zoolander reference! You know what could help you sort through these issues? Orange mocha frappuccinos!

What is this, a center for ants?!?!

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The jitterbug… the jitterbug…

haha… love Zoolander, excited about Zoolander 2.

Sorry about the delay with the shirt design fellas, my designer is back logged and the first design I did not like at all… had to start from scratch.

We will have this soon, keep on throwing (#seewhatIdidthere)

If they do as well on it as they did on the new Dunb and Dumber…they might as well stop production. Haha.

The tshirt delay…for me, this is good. I need a bit of recovery time from my recent yoyo purchases. Keep us posted, the stall isn’t a big deal (generally, they’re fun). #seewhatididthere it’s a yoyo pun!

EDIT: didn’t intentionally rhyme there. I was a poet and didn’t even know it, I can rhyme on a dime…anytime.

Your post made me LOL as I can picture you backing out of the conversation in the end… haha.

He’s doing it for free, so I don’t want to push it. I can’t wait to rock our FAM shirt. Getting a wife beater with the logo… haha.

I’m too scrawny to pull those things off. Come fall, we could get hoodies made too.

Now that made me laugh… I look like a cholo with a wife beater…

Everyone looks like a cholo with a wife beater, lol. Don’t you have to have a button up shirt with only the top buttoned to complete the cholo look?

I’m Spanish/Italian… so I have to chose my outfits very well as I blend into almost any culture… haha.

I can even pass for a Saudi with the right outfit and accent.


Just landed my first (and super clean I might add) Spirit Bomb on a No-Jive! Pretty happy about that one.

Today is actually my 14th day playing only fixed, but I’m gonna stop soon cause I have some throws in the mail :slight_smile:

This has been such a refreshing break, and yo-yoing is 10x more fun now because of it.

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Sweet man. Welcome to the fixed axle spirit bomb club.

For those struggling, a Fidalgo will open the door the club for you easier than a No Jive, but great that you lander the trick on hard dude!

Please tell me you have video?

^ No video for the Spirit Bomb yet, I’ll try to get one though.

I need to add fixed-axle spirit bomb to my bag of tricks. That will be right after I add unresponsive spirit bomb :P. I don’t know why this trick has never clicked for me.

I’m right there with you. Never could get it right for whatever reason.

Get to the wrist mount, and have someone stop the yoyo. They hold it and do the trick with them moving the yoyo as if it’s spinning and you are doing the trick. See the muscle movements you need to land, once you run it a couple of times, repeat until it’s fluid. I realized where I was making my mistakes by slowing down. I’m about 85% successful now. Fixed I have a hard time since it wants to come back but still can land it within a few tries.

Link seems to be broken.

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I see what you did there ::slight_smile:

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