A very interesting TED talk.

That was amazing…

Last time I saw Black he was using yoyos from Shinobu.

Sometimes i forget the skill level of the past. It’s easy to get caught up in whatever’s current and new, but geez, some of those tricks are amazing even by today’s standards.

Oh… no. This is on Reddit - Dive into anything
Not good.

Just looked this up.

I really don’t understand why someone would find it cringe worthy.

wait, black hops… just made that connection…

Shinobu… does he also go by NB? Or is that a complete different person? If so, he’s the famous Japanese modder. I’ve seen his mods and original designs before. Crazy stuff.

Different guy, both have made some cool stuff though

It’s a cool performance, though this kind of video is probably the last one i would show to a non-yoyoer to introduce him/her to the sport.

I love ted talks. Never thought I’d see one on yoyo’s.

Aww, I see. I thought they were the same people O:
Oh well, the more I learn.