A little something to share (rendering pictures added)

That’s cool, are you machining these yourself?

I am not machining it myself, i found a private machinist who could do the work for me in Canada.

that’s look awesome.
can you share some specs? and maybe the bearing size?

I like the raw look. #nocolorway

Ill post specs on the original post…

Morgoroth it will be available in its signature colorway and in raw for the first run.

Is it going to have side effects? Because I don’t see a complete bearing seat.


Side effects would infringe on onedrops patent…

I’m pretty sure anyone can use them. You just buy them from OD. They’re pretty cool about that stuff from what I’ve read on the internet.

Thats not correct amplifies there are a few more things that go into that…

You’ve got to get special permission in writing first, I would imagine.

Theres a few things that go into using side effects on your yoyo… even though a few companies have put side effects on their yoyos. However it would not be economical for a startup to use side effects…

Update… my machinist backed out so now im looking for a new one and making a few changes to the design…

Your yo-yo looks good Alecto, I can’t wait to see the finished product. What are your plans when you get a final prototype that you like?

Maybe sell a few maybe try to start a company… ive been working on getting an infrastructure up for a small business, but it takes some time…

so a few things have changed since i last posted but i"m back on track and these should be machined within the next few months if everything stays on schedule.

Anyway i got my cad system working properly and decided to render the yoyo in so you guys can get a better view of how it will look when it is machined in this form.

kauw 10 4th rendering by Alecto42, on Flickr

I approve.

if it plays half as good as it looks in renderings i will have achieved my goal.

Machining has started i will be posting a full thread in the up and coming manufacturers section soon.