888 Forever

Extremely bummed. Would have bought this over the brushed raw 888 any day. I love gold. Wish they would’ve done a preorder on this one.


yeah that makes sense


Yeah a little FOMO that I should get more now.
But maybe I find others that I like even more :slight_smile:


Actually, I still prefer the YYJ Hitman and the HSPIN Lily (G&E 4) over the 888. IMHO.


I can see where some may be a little salty over the description, but I personally loved the performance of the OG 2007 888 and to have one made from titanium and gold plated would be pretty freaking ultimate in my book, kudos to YYF!


No of course not.

So for all I know it might not actually be the ULTIMATE performance yoyo.


called it :joy::wink:


I’d be pretty mad if I were a backer and right after I got one this gold plated version popped up. Wonder why this wasn’t an option for backers.


I think we need to take into account the backer who put the stretch goals over the top to get the Skylines was YYE. So YYE should get some exclusives.


Don’t care about the skylines. Not pissed or anything, but as a backer, I believe I should have at least been presented the option. I would have paid full price. Alas, nothing to do but cry into that old bath water.


I guess this boils down to what entitlements should be given to a “backer” vs a consumer. Are you hoping for or demanding exclusivity by funding in advance? Are non-backers not worthy of dropping the coin on said product’s new iteration? You paid in advance for a yoyo you wanted, but in reality backing a project is fundamentally an act of charity, and extra rewards should not exactly be expected. As a non-backer I thank you all for allowing me the opportunity to purchase yoyos such as the Skyline and Ti-888. Try to feel happy about your contribution rather than regret your rewards.


Gold is Grody. Backers should be happy that we didn’t have to look at it while we were incessantly refreshing the indiegogo page for updates. I for one am grateful for the lack of eye-poison.


i’m enjoying whipping around my ti888. it’s my first ti throw, it’s quick, i appreciate what i got with it. i can’t compare it to other ti throws, but for me - it’s doing what i want it to. besides, my wife likes the sound it makes, this makes my hobby - and collecting :wink: - more appealing… i’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth (my wife is not the horse in this proverb…)


I enjoyed it a LOT without the stacks on it, but could not justify keeping it. On it’s way to Oklahoma now.


and that’s what is great about this hobby/lifestyle/commitment/addiction… if you don’t like something, someone else will, or may. i remember someone the other day mentioned a ‘rental fee’… i like that! there’s soooooo much diversity within the community, and with what we enjoy. i have an idea of what i’ll like, or not, but i won’t constrain myself to that. variety is the spice of life! and, when in doubt, ship it out! i can always pick it up again later if my tastes change… and there’s always doubles…


Looks like they got the “we’re friends” hookup to me… unless maybe YYE did this themselves after receiving the same product that we all got. I love the one I got and the extras are great. Do I feel lucky that I got these bonuses? No, that was all in writing per the stretch goals that we all hit collectively. Am I mad, nope. Do I feel that all backers should be treated equally, yup.
Also, the case is the soooo nice. I wish I could buy an extra one.


the case is fly af! if i decided to sell one of mine, i’d let them pick the case or the skyline, lol!


As an investor in the product I feel I should have been presented with all options (Even if it cost extra) since I contributed to the funds that were used to produce said product. That’s it. They could have funded it on their own with their own finances and done whatever they pleased, they did not. If it had been a separate run, it would have been a different story; it was not. I understand that YYE contributed a fair sum which benefited everyone. I think the guys at YYE And YYF are supremely kind and have been benevolent in their dealings with me and many others including helping me acquire an anniversary gift for my wife and consolidating orders and refunding shipping fees without me even thinking to ask. But again, as an investor, who put money on the line (as there are no guarantees with crowdfunding, no matter how reputable the business) I believe I should have been given the option before being relegated to the one I grabbed. They pre-sold 10 TiWangles that are still not available, so it is not unreasonable to think I should have been offered the opportunity. And yes, the whole point of investing in something is preferential treatment in exchange for capital so that they may profit off of a product. Again, I’m not upset. I love my Ti888. I just would have selected that version and would have waited specifically for a gold edition had I been informed.


What would these cost of the ever surfaced for sa le in the future?

07 Jason Lee 888 (that is a highwall too btw) Black one ($400)

08 Jason Lee 888 it’s red w white all around the outside of the rims. ($225-250 is my guess)

888.1 Jason Lee: I bought one mint a few years ago for $70 I think? Maybe $100 now?

Assuming these are all mint.

Also what about a beat sanded rims but 1/30 Small Bearing Augie Fash ED 07 888? No pads this uses silicone like the other ones do.

I know it’s b eat and has vibe but more for collectors even though they want mint maybe they settle a this for now?

What a shame whoever did it, mint I bet esp being different also twice as rare as the shadows SB 07 888s w a cool center I bet Mint would fetch me $200 at the very least. $200-$225 I bet being 1/30.

They used to sell B grades at comps for $50 and some would be half Jason Lee both red and black. They wouldn’t let you but if I could switch 2 black halves and 2 red halves.

Still b grade but they play great imo. I’m sure I would double my $100 too!

good ol days!

1 more story: remember a guy owning basically ALL 07 888s even the Celtic and Dragon ones. Seriously he had Steve Brown ED, Jason Lee 07, ocho, yuuki quake (1/7?), Yoyopeople, higby, Allyo, Ayya, shadow, Ghost? (Was SB like shadow but not engraved), team ED. He had like 20 all mint.

I’ll try to find the pic but prob even a regular aqua would go for $150+, the rest $250 ish, esp as a set.

Also considering a Higby, Jason Lee etc were pr iced at $169.99 ish, sometimes 189.99. (The 080808 was $189.99) it’s not crazy to say they went up in value a bit.

I wasn’t there but I think at comps the special eds were still more like $150 for an ocho 8ocho, I could be off, maybe $120 but it was an upgrade from the Aqua they also sold for $99.

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