I’ve decided i want to start saving up for a new yoyo and I was wondering when the 2012 version of the 888 is being released? I’ve always loved the 888’s and want to know if its worth the wait to get the new one.
probably not gonna happen. might. but at the end of the year
The 888.11, just came out so not for a while. It’s a shame how the 888 is looked at these days.
Thanks for that lack of information x52.
With 888 we had 2 ways to go. We could keep it true to its original concept, or use it as a forefront of change. We obviously chose the former, adapting it more for the majority of the world who have not experienced an amazing smooth spinning, grinding, triple bearing design. 2011 was a great year with the introduction of the display box which has put the 888 in more stores with all the accessories needed to achieve yoyoing success coming to more players hands. The downside is it has drifted away from the current direction of competitive yoyos. It is somewhat ironic from a design stand point as this was the opposite of when the 888 was released as it overshadowed the grind machine 2, which is still a very competition oriented competitive design.
With 888.11 I think we are done paying homage to 07. Expect 2 new 888s in 2012. One will improve on the x design (call it Xii). One more is on a different level.
that sounds pretty cool! i cant wait until they come out. hopefully by then i’ll have a job and some extra money.
That sounds great super stoked for Yoyofactory 2012 lineup
888xii sounds more like a car than a yoyo :3
Ben… your post just made me so happy I almost cried :')
How many 888.11 runs should we expect?
All of them
Thanks for another helpful comment above.
.11 production is over. Total production was 600 pieces making it the least produced 888 ever.
I better grab one quick then.