8$ Special!

HA! You’re freaking funny.


Appreciate your comment, I think you put the whole thing into perspective. I will be very careful what products I post or review on here. Really appreciate the time you took in organizing and writing your post.


This is why I don’t do forums and have never had any social media. I lurked on here for months before I convinced myself to join in.

@Buttermilk The people here are pretty cool though. Glad you stuck around. If it makes you feel any better, my first post here brought alot of controversy even though I was kind of just following what I had seen for the previous few weeks, trying to fit in if you will. @MoonageMin had my back though and was very welcoming. Then so was everyone else. Word to the wise… don’t post pics of yoyos with alcohol. There is a separate thread for that. :+1:


Lol, I’ll take note of that! Thanks for welcoming me here. I believe this is one of the most active yoyo forums and I want to be part of this community. I was starting to think that was not going to happen lol. There is a wealth of knowledge and members here and I really look forward to meeting new people and learning more about yoyo!


Definitely. I’m pretty new to it all too and really learn something new everyday. The skill and knowledge that the guys and girls here have is mind boggling.


OP edited to hopefully negate some of the negativity associated with this post. Enjoy!

1 Like

Haha, no problem!
I think we all learned valuable lessons.
Mine is that I should read the topic again before posting a reply that took me 10 minutes to write :laughing:

I don’t think you need to be overly careful about what products you post (it’s more about not redirecting people to other stores out of respect and gratitude for YYE running this amazing forum).
It was just the combo of fresh account + less known yoyo review that made it look suspicious I guess.

Hell yeah this forum is amazing!
I saw you started with the first 50 playlist, which is great. Once you’re done with it, I highly recommend continuing learning on MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (Week #32 1.5 HOOK).
(It’s actually what I did. First 50 list -> Trick-a-Week list)


This thread read like some bizzare hazing ritual.

Probably not as painful as learning Beefhook, though.

Welcome to the forums!


I believe you now are one. You’ve been initiated through the baptism of fire. :wink:



Well that was a rollercoaster of a thread. Welcome to the forums!