5A May? What will it look like?

Last year I just opted to post a beginner and an advanced tutorial every week. It worked out pretty well. You can see an example of how that went linked.

I feel like it’d make more sense to just pick out all the tutorials you want to use ahead of time, instead of having a week dedicated to just linking videos. With only four weeks in the month, may as well make the most of it by encouraging people to post tricks (or at least play) all four weeks.

It’d also be useful if you want to have weeks act as a progression of skills, where following weeks would be more difficult variations or extensions of tricks learned on prior weeks. If you’re just choosing from a grab bag of tricks instead of deliberately ordering them you might end up with an awkward sequence of learning a harder version of something first that would’ve been significantly easier with prerequisite trick knowledge.

5A consistency is kind of a pain and 1-2 minute freestyle is not appealing at all to me. I’ve got a fairly deep trick library, but I’m the type of player who always wants to do new things or record whatever. Grinding a clean take of a freestyle that isn’t going to be judged in a competitive environment seems really unfun to me. Recording single individual tricks and making multiple posts is much more pleasant. Just learning and posting individual tricks is more than enough considering it’s hard to get people to post tricks at all sometimes. Getting people to plan and film a freestyle even harder.