Hey Man!!! How Ya"ll do’ng nite??? So, here is the the back story. I’m turning 50 years old in a few weeks, and i started playing with a duncan mosquito a few weeks ago. I bought it about 5 years ago. But anyway, thru the internet i discovered all this great world of yo yoing, that I have become a fanatic. I went from the duncan to yomega fireball and raider, but still have my duncan. I did a simple weight mod to the mosquito and now I’m able to progress on tricks that has me will’n to spend 50$ for a new yo yo, a birthday present to me. I know that the old dog won’t ever be as good as you young pups, but i like this stuff. So the question is… i’m thinking the YYJ DM2. Is there another yo yo that I should look at. I’m not ever going to be great…I just want to be good, but i don’t want to keep upgrading all the time…Old guy…fixed income…no money…having fun…
Let me know if you think there may be a better yo yo for me…
DM2 if you’re still learning binds. The extra bearing it comes with will make that easier if you don’t learn them immediately. If you have the bind down, I’d take a look at the ProtoStar.
thanks guys, i’m not up to the binds yet…yet. i’m looking for the one that will help me progress trhu the string tricks, without spending more money then i have already did…Back story…Last week I bought yomega advance kit, with DVD I may add… with a brain, fireball and raider. I gave my 10 year old daughter the brain and use the fireball and raider for looping, i need a yo yo for string tricks and i think my kit would be just fine. Any comments??? good or bad…
i say kickside, lyn fury, dark magic 2 or any yoyo with a response dial like velocity, or speed dial because you can have it as responsive or unresponsive as you want
Hey Cam,
The thing I like about the dark magic 2, is that it comes with the two bearings. A room to grow I think? With the others, would I have to buy to more for the yo yo?? Get my drift…
Probably 10 people will tell you you have to learn to bind - BS…
At the stage you are at and from what you say you want to do, a tug responsive yoyo will work fine for you. It does for me, though some of mine are set up unresponsive. You can make the DMII tug responsive by lubing the bearing lightly. Dot Ventures
I love it…old school discovering new school…honestly I would go through the trouble of learning how to bind but still get the dm2 so you don’t have to…
I do want to learn to to bind…eventually. I just want a nice yo yo that will help me grow and will grow with me without wiping me out. There are a lot of super nice yo yos out there, i just can’t keep buying as i get better. I guess the DM2 it should be.
Don’t forget to stock up on accesories! If you haven’t already, buying a pack of 100 string is really worth it and could last quite a while (1, even two years!). Also, you should buy a bottle of YoYoJam Thin Lube for your bearings. Last but not least, you can either buy some extra silicone pads for your DM2 for when they wear out, or you can go to an auto shop and buy some silicone to put in yourself.
Congrats for finding this great hobby! You can always ask us for help; we’ll be sure to provide you with good answers. I hope you stick with it! Good luck!
This is a cool hobby. I’ve got my 10 year old daughter interested in this fun. I do plan on getting the extras so i won’t have do with out later. I will get at least one set of pads, i’m not ready to do a silcon mod just yet. This place is so cool. Thanks to all.
Well i went and did it. I ordered a red DM2. I should get it by the end of this week. I guess i’ll grab the mosquito, head to the garage and throw while i drool for the next few days. Hope to talk to ya’ll on other areas around here. Cheers to all…Got my first war wound yesterday morning. I was practicing my breakaways, and it grabbed the string, shot up and tagged me on the bridge of my nose. I’m glad it was plastic and not metal. It hurts…but…i…must…move…on!!!
Haha, unfortunately, getting hit is something of a norm in yoyoing. You’re just gonna have to get used to the feel of yoyos to try to avoid it happening over and over. Good luck! Hopefully you don’t hurt yourself too much!
AHHHHHHHHH the knuckle the thing is starting for me. It seems to happen to me when i try to do the double or nothing. My index knuckle on throwing hand was sore last night night. I’ve got to figure out what i’m doing wrong. I’ve only got this one knuck and it hurts!!!