4A string tension?

So I’ve looked everywhere and I can’t find a way to relieve string tension with 4A. It always seems to get a lot of tensions making whips impossible. Anyone know how?

4A string shouldn’t get tension that interferes with play, I have never experienced it at least.

By letting go of the string during a regen the string should lose any tension it’s gained and become neutral again.

I may be wrong with this but it’s just my experience and (possibly crap) understanding of 4A.

I know that it shouldn’t. I try to relieve it before I wind it up, but it doesn’t come out.

What string are you using?
I’ve been doing 4A for longer than a year

And no tension at all!

You say winding it up, are you hand winding or using a Snap Start.

Winding up a yoyo generally give the string small amounts of tension because of the way the string moves.

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I’m using regular kitty. I wind normal, and I know winding it can, but there is at least 10 winds when I hold a loop.

From what I’ve just experimented with it’s the way you’re winding it. I’ve wound it a couple times using reg. kitty and the loops come out with tension, try winding around the yoyo the other way than you are (either clockwise or counter clockwise) or learn to snap start.

remember when you were a beginer
and you slid your finger down the string to relieve tension?

when you throw try to do that while the yoyo is in the air.

i guess thats how my tension never go messed up
as ive made that a habit haha

once you’ve wound it by hand, throw and bind 2 or three times, that should undo the tension. Good practice on your bind as well!