Hello, i designed this yoyo which also doubles as an 45 adapter for vinyl records with big holes. Releasing DEC 11.
It’s a collaboration between me (visual artist and yoyoer Morten Jensen Vågen aka yoyo_gutten on instagram) and “Ullis Toys” (Ulrik Dybvig aka @doomdistro / Ullis Tapes -musician, DJ and artist)
This yoyo was born out of necessity. One day this summer Ulrik visited me to show me some heavyweight dub tunes. I did not have a 45-record adapter at home, and he struggled to center his records without an 45-adapter, and I just stood there yoyoing. He looked at me and said “we should make a yoyo-record adapter”. And we did. After 6 months of making drawings, mock-ups, ordering protos, failing, and rethinking we finally made it work. I have made many wooden yoyos in the past, but never in metal, and never with digital tools. Ulrik has no yoyo-background at all. So the goal was to make a yoyo that could work for both beginners and unresponsive yoyoers. It’s the perfect pocket yoyo, and if you are a DJ you will never forget your 45-adapters again. I have already had good use for it at record shops where they dont have record adapters on the listening stations. The best thing is that it does not feel like a gimmick yoyo, it actually plays really stable and good, and it is very unique and fun to play with.