4️⃣🅰️ Everyday — (former 4️⃣🅰️ Offtober 2023)

Some 4A progress! Mostly smoothing things out but I found a new bind the other day I really like and after what felt like 50 tries I finally landed level 1 of Rei Iwakura’s offstring tutorial from the Rewind Instagram/YouTube yesterday. It ain’t smooth when I do it but I finally landed it tonight and I’m pumped!


one trick ive been thinking about is the shoulder bind from a braintwister mount throw, but instead of shoulder i throw the string over my ear. and just ear tricks in general

Might need a haircut first tho…


That sounds awesome! Would love to see you land those kinds of tricks! As someone who also had long hair until very recently, you can definitely do 4A tricks without cutting your hair if you’re willing and able to put it up in a bun or something to get it out of the way. If you’re feeling like it’s time for a haircut you do you man, but don’t feel like you have to cut your hair just to play 4A, there are ways to do it with long hair too :sunglasses:

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Saturday 4A combo with under the leg whip!


Oh hey so i ended up doing that solo ham grind mini vlog idea if anyones interested.

I’ll give you guys the raw version so im not plugging my insta (altho im willing to drop it :eyes:), but thought it’d be fun and motivating for me to mini-vlog my soloham grind into little episodes, so heres the first one where i try to wrap my head around the throw

So heres Episode 1 if anyones interested at all hehe


Very nice thank you for sharing. That looks like some super hard stuff for me. I really appreciate the even keeled way that you continue pushing through the less than perfect executions without getting frustrated or angry. I get frustrated a lot. Mostly because brain damage created some motor control issues for me and when my mind tells my body to do something and my body is sluggish in doing it, I end up dealing with much frustration and I have to walk away. You gave an excellent example of having fun with the learning process. Thanks again for all of the sharing.


i get really frustrated when im missing perceived ‘easy’ stuff, especially in this heat wave lol i also got like, the adhd anger that comes with hyperfocus being broken sometimes so its definitely there lol


Yo well done on getting that throw down! It honestly looks super challenging even just to hold both of the yoyos because they’re just so big. Nicely done! I absolutely feel you on the ADHD frustration when something looks easy and you can’t seem to figure it out. I have ADHD too, and I’ve been running into that with one of the rewind tutorials that looks super easy that I just keep messing up constantly :rofl: But you’re doing great man, stoked to see your progress and great editing on the vlog too! Can’t wait to see where you go from here!

As a quick update, here’s a hop and whip combo I put together today that I’m really happy with!


That just looks super fun to do. :smiley:

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I can confirm that it is indeed a lot of fun and not as hard as I thought it would be. The thing that made it click after learning all of the individual elements separately was keeping a consistent tempo and rhythm. Once I did that it just clicked :smile:


I have noticed when I yo-yo to music, timing with the beat does help smooth the flow out…and it just feels right. :rofl:

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Oh absolutely! It’s also just so much more fun too! I need to do that more often :sweat_smile:

I’ve been thinking about making a soloham tutorial (that’s more comprehensive than rei’s) for about a year now. Maybe I should!


Yea do it, more resources the better. Luna harran ended up giving me a lot of tips and i didnt even know it didnt matter which ones you threw first with or string lengths etc


Episode 2 where i tackle the bind hehe


Yaaaay finally hit this recaptures combo (my first one) i been working on for like a week. Only learned recaptures like 9 days ago :sweat_smile: and im so happy with this. gotta smooth it out over time


Finally hit my full routine for the performance I’m doing at work for Lunar New Year this week! It took so many hours over the last several days to get the whole thing in a row, it’s ridiculous, but I finally did it! Now just to actually hit it on stage :joy:



Man…dude… that was awesome!!! I can imagine that with that glow in the dark yo-yo and bright string on a dark stage lit by black lights. You would be wearing all black of course so the only thing visible would be the yo-yo and string. That would be so over the top. For real though, that routine was very smooth and tight. You are a machine.

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You’re too kind! Great ideas too! I’ll have to keep that in mind for next time since I definitely don’t have time to get a blacklight for this :joy: but thank you, I really appreciate the kind words and support!

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Spot on @Sgt1yoyo1 and @Bendy. Really fun to watch and awesome progress!

This is not related but I remembered on thing which helped me a lot when I started is to pop the yoyo a bit higher (min eye high). If you play a lot with “normal” yo-yos you tend to make the pops small which may look cool but in 4A it makes your live much easier if you pop a bit higher. This helped me a lot with air binds and cross arm tricks in the beginning. Hope this can help people just starting 4A.


Thank you for the kind words and tips! I think that advice will be really helpful for a lot of tricks that I keep messing up since it usually comes down to not having the air time to prepare. Great tip, thank you!

Follow up question, would you recommend doing that for every trick starting out or just tricks that need more air time? I’ve noticed that pro players tend to vary the height of the pops depending on the trick. They seem to go higher on whips, open string binds, 360 tosses, etc while keeping it lower on other tricks. I understand they have a lot of experience and control over the Yo-Yo, so these could be stylistic choices, but what are your thoughts on that? I do agree that I’d be better off popping the Yo-Yo higher on several tricks, especially whips that I keep failing and need more air time to prep for, but for things like leg orbits without the turns that seems really high. Thoughts?