2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

I’ve been throwing my hornets for a good bit since overtinkering asked about hornets on IG a bit back. I forgot how decent they are once you get the right spacer setup and string length.


I like the Hornets. I find them a bit less forgiving than the Loop 720s, and like I need a very deliberate wrist snap to get them to turn over. My dominant hand would loop without flipping for several loops if I don’t pay attention.

My wife never takes any interest in my yo-yos, but twice now when I’ve left a pair of loopers hanging around, she’s picked one up and thrown it a little. Her review of the AllYoYo 720 was “it comes up way easier than I expected.” :rofl:


I have a silly question for the group. Anyone interested in a looper pay it forward? If so any preference on loopers included.

I have loop ups, something lp, sochi, match, yyf loops of all kinds except led and string on string but I can wish for those one day.

I also have a few single loopers leshare happy point, Myy d5, Myy d3, ten trick, loop 808, limelight, pulse, fireball, and a blitzball.

I would be willing to send off a pair of high end and cheap or a pair plus two one offs for a pay it forward that eventually made it back to my collection after the group tried some yo-yos that are either hard to find or they aren’t sure they want /need. Heck maybe 3 pairs but idk which. I have a feeling like the loop ups and some Sochi might be a good one as those are available still even if loop ups are harder to get. But maybe folks just want to try 1080s and pour over bst posts like me. It would probably stay US side unless folks are cool with the shipping costs but international might be more than the yoyos.

If there’s interest I can start a pay it forward thread but I’ve realized there aren’t any loopers in a pay it forward and if your starting out you have no concept of what makes a good looping yoyo so you start buying a bunch…

I also realize any with starburst response will wear down over time which is fine I accept that possible fate. I also have a bunch of spacers I can add to let folks try stuff.


Happy Tuesday! I worked all day but hopefully tonight I can play.

Sochi Loop Spinners.


Still planning on doing a pay it forward looper thing just gotta get my in-laws to leave so I can get to my yo-yos lol @TryCatchThrow i got you too I just haven’t been able to get to my stuff to ship thing I’ll message you when stuff goes to the mail.


We like to start Tuesday a little early ‘round these parts.

Also we play 2a everyday, so today I was throwing the AllYoYo Loop 720s.


My new swim coach really put me through the ringer last night, so my arms are exhausted. I’m working on Time Warp today to give them both some time off. Throwing Hornets.

Sidebar: Yoyomaniax has awesome Hornet colors, but $$$ shipping to the US. Why can’t we get one or two awesome colored Hornets?


I believed they only sold exclusively from their yoyo maniax site and not suppose to be available in any other retailers and yes their shipping rate is pretty expensive (unless you have friends or connections from japan to ship it for you in lower shipping cost under air packet mail)

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The forums are kinda intense today.

Be chill. Throw ProYos!


Finally got to the point where I can reliably get 20+ loops with my dominant hand, so I figured it was time to start making the other one do some work.

When tuning response for 2a, am I basically ooking for the tightest gap I can get while still being able to throw a sleeper?


Basically this plus or minus your personal preferences.


Well not technical on Tuesday this is how Sunday went and it will be the same for later today with a few more variations - still haven’t figured out why videos only sometimes work on the forum (tried IG, YT and now X)

Link hope it works


Stepping out of my comfort zone today and learning to loop. These are really the only loopers I have but if I end up enjoying it more I’ll probably pick up a Hornet or two


happy 2a tuesday y’all, what loopers would you recommend to a complete beginner? i have a yotricks fizz but it’s mediocre at best. been thinking about getting a yotricks oracle but i wanted to ask the pros

It’s really hard to beat the Loop 720.


i’ve been thinking about avoiding it since i think it has an adjustable gap, i don’t wanna mess with that when i start off

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Don’t avoid the 720, it’s great right out of the box. Adjustability is one washer/cup on each side. Easy to change, super simple. I prefer a red each side. :grin:


The gap can be adjusted but it’s not adjustable if that makes sense. You can change some internal parts and change the gap but there’s not some easy adjustment or some such thing. The 720 is amazing out of the box.


Is smacking the you-know-what out of your forearm a trick? If so, I’ve got that one down!


Yes it is. Now try it with your right hand.

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