28 stories collection

IMHO, only the first 28 stories are very beautiful, the BVM and the peak 1st run … a bit 'also the peak 2nd run … all the others are beautiful but aren’t comparable.
I have 2 avalanche 28’s but I was never impressed…

Quick couple of questions:

  1. What is the current location of this collection?
  2. Are there dogs?
  3. Is whoever there with it a light sleeper or are they often in the house?

This is a magnificent collection. 28 Stories is my Favorite current CLYW colorway. It’s beautiful in my opinion.

Do you prefer Chloroform in mint or cherry?

On a side note, what is so special about this colorway? It’s nice for sure, but why do so many people rave over it?

^ good question. How will we split half n’ half. I would at least like the BvM sas and one of the marmots.

Otherwise I don’t really that much rave over this. There are people who do. I just live the look of the colorway. I think people love it so much because it seems to have been all the way through the history of CLYW. Its one of their historic colorways that has been through it all.

All beginning to support this project (note the colors)
28 stories of aids in Africa by Stephanie-Nolen

I like the look of the second avalanche the best. Those dark colors look better to me at least. awesome collection :stuck_out_tongue:

Seeing that 1st run Peak tucked back in a corner kills me every time! I will get another one!

28 Stories is aa popular color because it is arguably one of the best playing Peaks they ever ran. (And the ones the original anodizer did are way, way better looking than what the new guys do, although I think that just has to do with the type of dye).

I think in the meanwhile I got 4 or 5 new ones. Will update soonish!
And as said, the 28s second run peak is indeed the best peak I have every played… :slight_smile:

The location is Belgium! And unfortunatelly I dont have a dog yet!

No time yet for group shots, but I just updated my whole collection. In the album beneath you find every individual 28 stories I own (next to other yoyos I kept after selling more than 75 metals). Enjoy!

EDIT: I also updated the shots of 28s peaks, cause the ones I had were a bit outdated :slight_smile:


How much money was put into this collection!?!?!?!


Easy to calculate, knowing I bought the first run gems quite a while ago for a “decent” price :slight_smile:
No idea how high they would go at this moment if I would put them for sale tho

so much want

Would you be willing to sell one of those Marmots? :wink:

Nope sorry mate. Not going to happen (unless someone makes lopside offer on the entire bunch :p)

Yikes… so you really like that color scheme