2011: It comes naturally!

The first month of 2011 is coming to an end. What I’ve noticed is that if I grab a yo-yo and start playing it, new stuff just happens! My message to new or intermediate players is this:

As you progress and start to invent tricks, new tricks will come to you through muscle memory (hope that made sense).

Basically in my case: I throw the yo-yo and my arms immediately take control. I don’t think about it and it’s something so technical that I can’t recreate it on demand. Take advantage of this sub-conscious inventing as it will be one of the most useful tool in yo-yoing.

Along with inventing, this event that’s happening to me also increases my speed as well. It’s not as fast as the pros but enough to get people thinking.

How do you activate this?

Well, the human brain retains memory at a much faster rate than it expels. What you do is watch more freestyle videos! Maybe not contest videos but here is an example:

I only watched this video once and haven’t thought about it. Then suddenly my hands started doing a combo with the elements that it showed. Keep practicing so you can control your retain/expel ration balanced.

I hope this was understandable. I still need to work on my retain/expel ration in terms of explanation. But basically: your brain holds more info than you think it does! Just keep watching home videos from these people and your body will copy.

~Spin On!

This post is 100% true kiddies!

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done something amazing, and then have been unable to recreate it.

which also helps add to a point that i make:

when you practice sometimes, record yourself. you may do something so cool without realizing it or without remembering how. tough luck… oh wait, you have it on film… oh right, that is how i did that…

win worlds

very true. Thik about Jensens combo and apply Bloom’s taxonomy


This is how we get better at yoyoing.

hahahahahahahahaha i should try that

Another thing: Don’t think, just do!

I do disagree on watching a bunch of videos, if you want to be original, watch as few videos as possible.

In my opinion videos spark inspiration. You have no idea how many tricks I created from trying to recreate a pro’s trick. Even though they are not tutorials, trick videos involuntarily teach new elements to yo-yoers and they end up learning something. Doing a trick that has elements you saw in a video is different from copying the trick itself.

That’s my way of making tricks and it works. To each his/her own path.

Thinking about other peoples’ ideas does not mean you cannot make your own. Knowledge helps you create more, not less.

I think there was a study where one group of people practiced something(I don’t remember what) for a month, one group thought about practicing or how they would practice, and one group did nothing. The group thinking about doing it did nearly as well as the group practicing after the month was over, and the group doing nothing did nowhere near as well.

Every yoyoer is using elements from someone else so it only makes sense to watch what others do and expand. There was only one first person to perform the ‘sleeper’, but whoever performed the first ‘walk-the-dog’ did something original.

really just take your time and learn each trick, then it comes naturally and you just can put together freestyles from the tricks your learned.

i think this pyramid is upside down… mostly because you have an easier time remembering something if you understand it and you understand it if you analyze what you saw or did and apply it… i think the foundation is on the other end of creating first