2010 G5

Hello people of the yoyo world. I’m looking into buying a new 2010 G5. I currently have a ski e and I just want something a little different for different uses. Anybody that has one please say what you like about it and how it plays. Thanks!-Skyler

It’s a premium YYF yoyo. What else do you need to know?

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nothing i guess. thanks!

I loooove the G5. I recommend it, but there’s nothing wrong with the Skyline either. But it’s fun to get new yo-yos, and that’s a must-throw. :wink:

i have it, my only complaint is its too loud. I might take the stacks off.

it is great i love mine even with the noisyness of it but something weird happened to it tho… i started youing with it and all of a sudden there was very noticeable vibe but i havent heard anything like this happening to anyone else so i think mine was just a little sllip up

Just got the vortex dice and now it doesnt vibe like it used too. Shes all purdy up. :stuck_out_tongue: