Hey guys so I got an 000. After i played with it a little i took it apart to clean and oil the bering as usual. The problem : after I took it apart I noticed something on every half of the yoyo is a little dimple. Now i don’t know if this is because on the machining (the yoyo is raw) or if it is because of axel being screwed and making the dimple. When you put your finger on it you can feel it a little bit in relief. In one side is a little bit more noticable then on the other. I didn’t screwed the yoyo any tighter than any other yoyo. What do you think guys?
I have the same exact thing with mine, also more pronounced on one side. Seems like a machining mark. It bothered me at first but I’ve played it so much that I don’t care anymore.
Is that 000 from the latest run? My UltraMatte from the 2018 2nd Run after the initial 1st run raws is as flat as can be. It might be from that run, anyone have a 2018 Raw 000.
Machine mark…
Thanks so apparently I have no reason to worry at all
I picked up 000 from the latest run. Mine has a clean cup. No dimple.
Seems like it has been resolved but I wanted to chime in on this issue, but its not an axle issue. Its actually really hard to machine something perfectly flat on a lathe, you really have to slow down the final pass. If you’ve ever used a lathe before, it tends to come to a little point, then breaks off as a stick. Especially true with metals like stainless steel and titanium.
Some obviously are going to be better than others but you will find this on a lot of titanium or stainless yoyos that are raw. Anodizing tends to cover this up a lot better. Just another finicky part about dealing with titanium.
As always you can directly contact me via E-mail printed on the card in the packaging, or the Luftverk IG too. I’ll be able to answer questions a lot quicker (Someone linked me to this!) And if you’ve purchased a product you aren’t happy with I can exchange or worst case if I dont have any, give you a refund.
Hope that answers your questions! : )
Thank you Jeffrey. The yoyo is great. I played with it non stop since I got it. I understand why a lot of people asked you to do another run.