So this is my first review, hope it’s good.
When I heard about Perfect Fit string I was like “another person trying to make a good string but epicly fails” (no offense Jeromy) but when I heard some good reviews from Samad and DocRobot I decided to try it out because I was on my quest for the perfect string (lol perfect string perfect fit). So after about a week I found a small package in my mailbox (well mainly our families) and I opened it up, I get too exited when i see a package. I was like a little kid when i saw the color of the strings, very vibrant. When I felt it I was scared bacause it was too stiff for my liking so I thought I wasted my money on the string. And by the way its 80/20 poleyester and nylon. On to the throw. I can sum it up in 1 word. AMAZING. It’s the perfect string I’ve been looking for. It’s like god shined his light on Jeromy and this is his work. I always start my throws with a trapeze when I get a new string on my yoyo and I was surprised at how smooth it is even on the first throw. I did up to a triple on trapeze and it doesn’t snap back at you, It didn’t even really slow down the yoyo that much! Then i throw my yoyo as hard as I could to see how long it spun for and it was my first 1 min. sleeper so i was bursting with happiness by then. After about 2o min. of yoyoing it started to soften up a bit more to my liking. Thats about how long I’ve been playing with it right now so I have nothing more to say exept BUY THIS STRING!! ITS CHEAP AND HAS AMAZING COLORS! (glow in the dark ;D) Thank you for reading my review :).