Ok so this was my first yoyo made for string tricks. I got it and took it out of the box and started right away. It was unresponcive. Its a great yoyo not to heavy and perfect size for my hand. Ok so I have maybe a bad to below average throw(I’ve been working) but I am able to get 40-50 seconds on sleepers. I’ve had it now for about a 3 weeks and I’ve learned a lot with it. One thing I dont like is the gap, its too small for me, compare to other yoyos it is pretty small(Legacy, LF, Axiom, Speeder about a mm bigger and Meteor 2mm bigger. Otherwise this is a great first time yoyo for anyone who wants to start learning string tricks for the first time.
Manufacturer YoYoJam
Shape Butterfly / Wing
Weight (g) 66.40
Width (mm) 41.71
Diameter (mm) 55.97
Gap Width (mm) 3.42
Bearing Size (Inside x Outside x Width) .250 x .500 x .187 in
Gap Type Adjustable
Stock Response System YYJ Hybrid
For Begginers: 9.5/10
For Advanced: 7.25/10
For Experts: 6/10
Sleep Time: 8/10 (Ive gotten 52 seconds)
Looks: 7.5/10
My Rating Overall: 8/10
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