How’s it play brother? Looks fantastic
A tad bit on the heavier side, but plays very smooth!
That’s awesome! Can’t believe it’s not vibey.
I wish this thread was more active. Mods are my favorite!
Right now I’ve got a C Bearing YYF One. But that’s about it.
If I ever get a clear FHZ, I plan to mod and paint it.
I still do a bit of modding here and there. Had a couple of Dark Magic rims lying around, decided to throw them on a Butterfly XT. Rims are a press fit with some epoxy. Haven’t tested the durability but it should hold pretty strong.
Ended up making 2 of them. After installing the rims, I threw in some YYF spacers to widen the gap, and cut one side on each for a silicone pad. I kept the other half a starburst response for that hybrid response nostalgia. They’re both pretty smooth and play great.
That’s the coolest thing ever… I want one so bad.
Speaking of if anyone has any cracked and unplayable Hitmans or Dark Magics I’ll take them off your hands.
Yeah, do that. I need to see more @yoyospirit mods! they’re fantastic, would love to own one eventually.
I should sell more of them, but I’m always paranoid about them not being durable and breaking.
That’s Fair;
I really should start modding, I think my local Target carries Butterfly XT’s…
Yoyojam Mini Mo-Trix rims on a Butterfly CT. Cut the yo-yo for dual silicone response and some spacers. I was worried this would come out very light, but these rims have quite a bit of heft. This little guy came out to about 68 grams. Would love to find some caps for this.
Had some titanium rims lying around, so decided to cut a body from some delrin stock. Opted to use One Drop’s spacer system. I was shooting for a Hitman shape, I think I was pretty close. Came out heavier than I was hoping at 74 grams, but it’s pretty smooth so I can’t complain too much.
This one came out awesome. A couple weeks ago I came across the Edge-X, a $10 POM yo-yo, that may be the best $10 yoyo I’ve played with. Had one more pair of Dark Magic rims lying around so I thought what the heck. Plays very smooth and came out to 68g without the caps on. Rims are held in place with some JB weld plastic bonder, which is supposed to be a bit better for POM plastics. We’ll see how durable it is in time I guess.
Where do you keep getting all these Dark Magic rings! save some for me…
Haha collected them over the years.
Man I’ve been on a nostalgia kick lately. Newest creation out of the work shop is a bi-metal Mini Motu. Sacrificed a Yoyofactory 2023 DV888 as the body for this. I got the idea after seeing a post about the prototype bimetal Mini Motu on Instagram.
The rims are a pressfit with some JB weld. I used to be against any epoxy or glue for my mods, but I’ve come to realize for the most part, some epoxy will result in a much more durable combination with rim mods. Actually plays extremely smooth with just a tad bit of vibe to the touch. Very happy with the outcome here to say the least. I’ve got another pair of rims I’ll probably do the same thing for too. Weight came out around 68 grams.
This is epic.
Supposedly there’s a plastic version with titanium rims. A few of them are floating around, if any are broken I would love to find one to rip the rims off of.