Yoyorecreation Sale

Please feel free to ask me for more pictures. The price and condition are listed!

Shipping from Canada to US is around 15$

Heres a feedback link for me Feedback for crash

Also got Toru 0.9 and 0.99 if anyone is interested

Yoyorecreation Draupnir (We are throwers edition) - NM - smooth - 375$

Yoyorecreation Valkyrie - Red - Mint - Smooth - 250$ OBO

Yoyorecreation Valkyrie - Red - Mint - Smooth - 250$ OBO

Yoyorecreation Inevitable - NM - Smooth - 165$ OBO

Damian Pucketts Dualiti - Mint in Pouch - Smooooth - 300$ OBO

Iyoyo - Tissox - NMTBS (Got some machine marks) - Smoooth as butter - 450$ OBO

C3yoyodesign - Tiss Berserker (B grade) - NM - some vibe - 350$ OBO


My goodness, Crash bringing the heat to the YYE forums !! Ouch I am getting burned !


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