FS: YYR Draupnir, Valkyrie, Sigtyr

Yoyorecreation Draupnir (We are throwers edition) - NM - smooth - 420$

Yoyorecreation Valkyrie - Red - Mint - Smooth - 250$ OBO

Yoyorecreation Valkyrie - Red - Mint - Smooth - 250$ OBO

Yoyorecreation Valkyrie - Green - NM - Teeeeeeny Tinyyyy Vibe - 240$

Yoyorecreation Valkyrie - Blue - Got a small gouge (pictured) - some vibe - 240$ (cause of colourway)

Yoyorecreation Sigtyr - Matte Blue - got a small gouge - some vibe - 260$ OBO (cause of colourway)


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