Yoyojam rings on a Speedaholic

Not sure what yoyo these Rings are from maybe Speeder but put them on a Speedaholic.


So are rings press fit or do you have to do something to get them to stay/adhere? I saw a video of someone modding an xt with rings and spacers and it looked neat but the duncan rings don’t seem available

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They are pressfit for the most part but use glue to help keep them on lol. This I had to cut down the Speedaholic to for these ri gs on my lathe. Now those rings you can put on an XT don’t need glue they are designed to be pressfit.

Does duncan restock them periodically still or do you kinda have to find them through the grapevine?

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I have no idea on that maybe ask someone at YYE?

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Kool will do. I like seeing your work, master tinkerers are the best :ok_hand:

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Thx so much!!

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Is this the one I sent you? It looks sooo much more fun now!!!

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Yeah it is that one

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Dope sis!

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