Yoyofactory Protege` test video.

O.o I just got a new yoyo. But the main thing is to test my cam that i never used for filming before and test the slow-mo on windows movie maker 2.6. I dislike the windows live movie maker. sucks. no slow mo. Lol. This is based on video stuff, not tricks, so don’t expect me to show any yabai tricks. i’m noob anyway. Lol. Hope you guys enjoy it.

ok vid but arent proteges good?!

You have ONE!

yes i do

obviously they’re good. lol. this vid is a test vid not a trick vid that’s why its ok lol.

wow… u need to make a tut on that first trick… there’s some sweet stuff in there.

That was awesome. :wink:

o.o i’ll try to make one! another person requested a tut from me for this trick also so i probably would make one.

normally when I watch a protege video I notice how the protege looks bad on camera, however, Because of how amazing your tricks were, it looked fantastic. Heck, those tricks could have made any yoyo look great!
Overall awsome video!

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It’s not just okay. his tricks were much more than just “okay” they were amazing.

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thanks guys! will make a better video once i have more time. :smiley:

your pretty good!

Nice video I’m getting a protege at worlds