YoYoFactory Presents: Will (Version 2)


Version 2: The shape of the stainless steel rim has been changed and the weight of the rim has been increased to improve turning performance. As a result, the total weight has increased by about 1g, but it is so strong and stable that it is hard to believe it is only 1g.

Green-YoYoFactory-Will Green-YoYoFactory-Will-3 Green-YoYoFactory-Will-2

In addition, the step in the center of the step-straight shape has been fine-tuned to make it easier for the string to pop and fly on release!

Designed in conjunction with SUS YOYO MECHANICS they spent extra effort to truly maximize the unique shape and design requirements of Akitoshi. Besides delivering on perfect competition play Will is a master of string rejection and responds to subtle movements for easy control in tilt while still delivering long spin in complex tricks.

Not only is it reliable in freestyle and performance, but it is sure to help in creating new tricks and refining a competition level routine. In the words of Akitoshi Will presents the optimal solution for a 1A yoyo model.

Akitoshi continues to win competitions even in 2023! 2023WJ Final 1A 01 Akitoshi Tokubuchi - YouTube