YoYoFactory presents - The Titanium Confusion!

It weights around 65 grams and the stock set up is super responsive. It stalls and kickflips super easy, varials are a really hard trick concept to begin with, but this one has high flat walls and a tight gap to make them easier. I however have been really into “Bind Stall” play lately, so I have mine set up with the flush pads and a Dif-E-Yo KK A Bearing, and it shreds the line between Unresponsive and Modern Responsive play. Since its an A bearing it binds nice and tight with short tails giving me room and time to stall, kickflip or Dump Truck and regen with some snap. I prefer this unresponsive approach to modern responsive tricks with this throw because of the weight and I have more control over unwanted response. Since its heavy it wants to spin once released so you don’t need to throw heat for finesses play and 1A combo repeaters. I play this one daily and it just fits great in the pocket. Its bigger in diameter than my Luftverk Daytona SB Highwall and its more comfortable in the hand than my Luftverk XP 55 Alpina. I’m a fan of this throw for sure.
