YoYoFactory Presents: Abyss - Signature of Kento Noda


From YoYoFactory:

12 years ago we met a kid named Kento Noda. For the past 12 years, he has been a presence in the Japan Contest scene. Not the star winning all the titles but as a player who loves yo-yo loves to compete and has some great tricks.

Kento worked with SUS Mechanics on this design and for a debut signature model it shows a deep understanding of the blend between performance and the actual needs of a player. We loved Abyss instantly.

Red-Abyss Red-Abyss-2 Red-Abyss-3

There are many familiar curves yet it delivers something quite unique. It’s Modern, yet throwback. A yo-yo to not only enters a player’s rotation but is the one they chose to take with them for the day. Love your work Kento. Keep it up.


Just like to add Kento crushed it this year making it all the way to the Semi-Finals in the 1A Division at the World YoYo Contest this year! (Including placing 2nd in the Wild Card Round) :fire:

Also we had some of these at the YoYoExpert table at U.S. Nationals and received a ton of great feedback! - I can attest, this yo-yo is FIRE!