Yoyofactory Lowercase

Not a lot out there on the YoYoFactory Lowercase, tried searching the forum and the web

Any information about it would be great.

Also wondering what the correct axle length should be.

First few pictures are of the lowercase and the rest are next to a DD Assassin on the right.


Holy cow what did u use to polish it up?? It looks fantastic

I used a fine metal polish called Simichrome. I cut the head off a long m4 bolt and put it in a cordless drill, applied the cream with a soft cloth while spinning it


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The yyf lowerkase is awesome! If I remember correctly those came out during the 2021 A-May-Zing sale they ran that year. They are made in the usa and retailed for $30 I think due to them all having some vibe. Same shape and size as the yyf 44 and 444 (hubstack version) but made in all stainless steel.


The first iteration released during a-may-zing sale week was the Sprite. I believe it was the same CAD file but in aluminum, and it was super lightweight at around 24g. Then they tried it with ss and got the Lowerkase.